D A Y 8

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Hey guys-

Please read author's note after this chapter. 

Without further adieu, I present to you...

D A Y  8 

Narrator's POV

"I think it's time we reach out to the British Ministry of Magic," Lucille suggested as she flipped through the pages of the phone book, highlighting numbers she's already called. "It's been two days and we haven't heard from her."

"I'm not getting them involved," Lorenzo sternly said, "Not yet."

"So, when?" Blaise budged in.

"On my call," he replied. "Until then, we keep calling, the kids keep casting charms, and we do this the way I want to do this."

"Lorenzo, why are you so hesitant?" Draco snarled.

"I most definitely don't want to hear anything from you, Draco," Lorenzo berated. "You're the last person I want to be talking to right now."

"No arguing at the table," Onyx called, "No time for that shite. Not at my table. Focus on your task."

Lorenzo and Draco rolled their eyes as they continued their task. Draco was busy scrolling through areas on his muggle laptop while Lorenzo made calls.

Oliver comes running inside the Zabini home with a letter in his hand. Out of breath, he waves it around aggressively.

"It's Lola," he panted.

Lorenzo instantly jolted from his seat and grabbed the letter out of Oliver's hand. 

"Where is she?" Lorenzo queried harshly. "Did she hand this to you? Tell me!"

"I—I—It was in your mailbox. Zeno, Mel, and Scarlett went out to grab us food because we were up all night casting, and I just had his urge to check your mailbox. And then there it was," Oliver replied. He looked behind his uncle to see his parents sit across one another with nervousness in their eyes. They, too, were anticipating what was written.

Lorenzo didn't hesitate to rip open the envelope. He unfolded the letter and read it aloud.

"Alright, well here it is. 'Dear Mum and Dad, I'm safe. I'm out of Europe, so there's no point in trying to look for me. Just know that I'm safe and I'm well. I don't know when I plan on coming back, but just know that I will. I'm with Miles. He's treating me nice. I'm not hurt. I miss you guys. Sorry for the trouble that I've caused. I love you guys. Love, Lola'," Lorenzo gripped onto the envelope as he reread the letter in his head.

A scatter of sighs and a few head shakes of disappointment spread around the table. Oliver had his hands in his pockets while maintaining vision on Lorenzo. "Uncle, may I suggest something?"

"Go on," Lorenzo insisted. 

"Well," Oliver continued, "I know how you feel about this type of...magic. And I know you're not very fond of it, but I think it might work."

"Blood magic?" Lucille interrupted. "You're thinking about blood magic, aren't you?"

"We have no idea how that works, Oliver. I don't want to accidentally curse my daughter—"

"It's worth a shot, Enzo," Onny budged in. "This could be it. Blood magic might actually work."

"And plus, I know someone who knows someone who knows how to do blood magic. He practically knows more about blood magic than regular magic," Oliver fiddled with his rings, sliding them on and off repetitively. "It's worth a shot."

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