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Year 7 ; 17 | Xenophilius "Zeno" Berkshire , Oliver Draco Malfoy

Year 6 ; 16 | Lola Berkshire , Scarlett Malfoy , Zenith Zabini , Amelie Zabini

Year 5 ; 15 | Narsa Malfoy

amelie zabini

"Fucking 7 years old already," Lola muttered under her breath, looking out the window as we strayed further away from King's Cross, "Prince is 7 years old. Fucking hell."

"With that mouth, he's going to start cussing, Lola," Zeno berated, as he wrote in his journal, "So watch yourself."

Lola scoffed and shoved him lightly as he clenched his jaw.

We sat in the same compartment; the usual. Narsa sat in the next rail car with her Ravenclaw friends.

I sat in between Scarlett and Oliver, whilst Lola and Zenith wedged Zeno between them; as mentioned earlier, the usual.

"I think my mum knew we were smoking weed last week," Oliver blurted as he flipped through the newspaper.

"I wouldn't see right past it, your mother is smart," Zeno responded flatly, not taking his eyes off the journal.

"What're you writing?" I questioned.

He looked up as his green eyes pierced through mine.

"Now wouldn't you like to know?" he smirked.

"Wouldn't we all?" Scarlett interrupted, "You've been writing in that brown journal since forever."

Lola giggled. "Our father gave it to him. He didn't finish writing in it so he went on ahead and gave it to Zeno. I already know there's some really juicy stuff in there, but anytime I grab ahold of his little 'diary', he goes full on monstrous."

"It's like you invest all your time in it," Oliver added, "How many fucking pages are in that bloody thing?"

Zeno chuckled. He closed his notebook shut and huffed.

"I write front to back," Zeno responded lowly.

"Do you write your love letters in it?" Zenith joked.

"I don't believe in love other than my mother and father's," he responded as he glanced at me for a short moment.

What the fuck are you glancing at me for?

"Oh, come on. Godmother Lucy and Godfather Draco love each other, too, y'know," Lola berated.

He scoffed. "If only you knew what was in this book, Lola."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Oliver said in defense.

Fuck, please don't argue again please don't argue again please don't argue again.

"I shouldn't say much," Zeno mumbled, "But let's just say my father had a...strong bond with your mother..."

Oliver and Scarlett both fake gagged.

"You're joking-. PLEASE tell me you're joking," Scarlett exclaimed, plugging her ears in.

"Oh, I wish I was," he huffed.

"Now you have to read a passage. Like, you have to," I badgered.

"I don't have to do anything, Amelie," he said swiftly, "Nothing at all."

Zenith scoffed. "You're boring."

"Please don't read-." Oliver preened .

"Read a bloody page or I'm telling father about what happened in your year 5," Lola threatened.

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