D A Y 4

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Hey guys,

Thank you so much for being patient with me. The last wholesome chapter before the storm. Enjoy.

Without further adieu, I present to you...

D A Y  4 

Narrator's POV

Malfoy Residence, Christmas Day

"Did you bring the casserole as I asked you to?" Onyx whispered harshly to her husband as they approached the Malfoy residence. In response, her husband shook his head. She scoffed and rolled her eyes, which earned a faint chuckle from her daughter. "Well, you need to head back home and get the fucking thing! Mumsy needs to know I've aced her recipe."

Beneath them, the snow crunched at their soles as they tried to maintain balance in hopes that they wouldn't slip. The night before, the skies wove a blanket of snowfall—a thick blanket of snowfall. 

All the men and their households shoveled the moment the women told them to. As a result, mothers made hot chocolate (or tea, e.g. Berkshire Residence) for their families. Throughout the day, all households among the Slytherin Clique were busy making food, wrapping gifts, and prepping for Christmas. 

"Can't you just—ah, I don't know. Do you really want me to go back home and get the bloody casserole?" Blaise faltered as he removed his aviator winter hat. 

"It took Mum  2 and a half hours to make the casserole. I'm pretty sure she wants you to go back and get—"

"It's not even up for debate, Blaise," Onyx bleated, "You're getting that fucking casserole, and you're going to get it right now."

Blaise raised his hands in surrender as he turned right around. He aggressively put his hat back on and stomped his way towards the car that the Zabini's arrived in. Floo Network was off-limits during Christmas to avoid the destruction of the decorations by the Malfoy's fireplace. 

"He's going to be the death of me, do you know that?" Onyx muttered to her daughter as they approached the doorstep. 

"Yes," Amelie responded lowly as she rolled her eyes. "Heard that multiple times before, Mum." Amelie carried a blue sack full of gifts over her shoulder, which resulted in pain given the fact that her lover very much so loves marking her in discreet places.

Onyx knocked on the door. A few noises emitted from the other side, but it came to a halt when Draco Malfoy swung the door open. With yet another Christmas hat on his blonde head. 

"Happy Christmas Zabinis minus Blaise," Draco cheered. He stepped aside for Onyx and Amelie to walk in. Both girls embraced Draco before entering further into the home. "We've got some charcuterie boards and all that other stuff out on the table."

"Happy Christmas everyone!" Onyx beamed as she waved at the crowd. In the kitchen stood Luna, Lorenzo, Lucille, Prince, and Narsa nipping and poking around the charcuterie board curated by Lorenzo Berkshire himself.

Their heads turned towards the brash woman as smiles appeared across their faces. "Happy Christmas, Onny," Lucille spoke as she approached her. Her arms wrapped around Onyx as they engulfed one another in their sweet scent. Amelie walked towards the large Christmas tree where she placed the sack of gifts by the other sacks.

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