D A Y 3 O L I & C H A R

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Hey guys!

I hope you guys had happy holidays & such. Sorry for taking so long. I spent some time with family, which was absolutely amazing. I hope you like this wholesome chapter.

Without further adieu, I present to you...

D A Y 3 O L I V E R & C H A R L O T T E

oliver malfoy

"So where are you from?" my father asked Charlotte as she sat beside me, with my parents across us. "Willaby? I've never heard that name before-."

"Dad-." I stammered.

"I was born in Sweden," she responded with a smile, "But I moved to the United States. Came back to Europe when I was 11 to attend Hogwarts-."

"What house are you in?" my mum asked. "If you don't mind me asking."

I wanted to crumple in my chair. The whole interrogation thing was unnecessary.

"I'm a Hufflepuff!" Charlotte responded lightly as she glanced over. I gave her a smile as she smiled back before diverting her attention back onto my parents. "I remember Oli mentioning that you two are House of Slytherin?"

I didn't tell her anything about my parents being in Slytherin, but it's great to know that her intuition is strong. On top of that, she's making it look like I talk about my parents, which is good. And the truth is, I don't.

"So Oliver talks about us?" my mum said with a wide grin, "Now, that's sweet."

"All the time," Charlotte replied. Underneath the table, she placed her hand on my thigh as my heart fluttered at an instant.

"I see," dad murmurs as he sternly eyes the both of us, "So, what are you guys going to do today?"

She looked at me with wondering eyes, signaling that I finish the sentence. Charlotte doesn't have a clue what my plans are with her today.

"I was—wondering. If I could take her to the shop," I asked, "because she's thinking about being a Botanist."

"I'm sure your uncle wouldn't mind," my mum responded, "You'd have to ask him about it."

"You're taking Charlotte—to a flower shop?" dad queried; unamused.

"It was my request," said Charlotte. She took a quick glance at me and gently squeezed my thigh. Fuck, this woman never fails to save the day. "I'm really looking forward to it."

Dad kept looking at Charlotte and me in a pattern. His suspicions were high for absolutely no reason.

"Well, I hope you two have a great day then," Mum beamed as she flashed a smile, "His aunt and uncle know about almost every bloody plant to exist on this planet—"

"Now, that's a bit of a stretch, Lucille—" Dad interrupted, "There are more than a million plants on Earth—"

"It was an exaggeration, Draco. I know they don't know about every plant—"

"I think Charlotte and I will get going now," I blurted as I got up from the chair, "I'll see you all at dinner? Yes?"

Mum's eyes followed as Charlotte and I strayed away from the table and towards the door.

"Be safe, alright?" Mum announced.

"Of course, Mrs. Malfoy," Charlotte chimed as she took my hand and laced our fingers, "We will!"

I twisted the doorknob and shoved the door open as the cool air scurried itself into the home, winding past the two of us ferociously. From a dim-lit scene to a bright, white, cold one made my eyes scrunch up.

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