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Hey guys-

If you're in America, Happy Thanksgiving-ish? It's already passed. But oh welp! Anyway, I hope you enjoy this wholesome filler.

Without further adieu, I present to you...


amelie zabini

The moment we all arrived back at Hogwarts, I immediately headed back to my dorm. Everyone else attended their classes and ate lunch, but I decided to stay in. Before I left home, my mum and dad sat me down and talked about Zeno and I being in a relationship.

My mum is all for it, though my father was pretty hesitant about the whole idea. I mean, there really is nothing he can do regarding my relationship with Zeno. I live by the whole 'If my mum is okay with it, anyone else's opinion doesn't matter to me'. In the end, I found my father accepting the concept.


I knew I was missing class and important assignments. I knew I was missing out on silly conversations during lunch and maybe even dinner. But it's only one day without it, right? It's only one day, so I'll be fine.

Nuzzled up in the comfort of my own bed- my own sheets. The warmth underneath the duvet covers and the feather-filled pillow. I watched the sun kneel as the moon arose. Even then the moon was bright enough to glisten through the drapes.

Just the ticking of a clock or two in the room as I slept and woke up repetitively. Even though the clocks were ticking, time felt still.

Everything was still.

I had a lot of love for my twin brother, Zenith. In fact, it's guilty to even admit that I still do. But I can't beat myself up for this-. Zenith is my own flesh and blood. We bared in the same linens for 9 months. Had the same source of energy. Same source of food. We were practically the same.

Though far from the same.

Am I a bad person for feeling betrayed? It feels wrong to even feel bad. I feel bad mostly for Scarlett. No one should ever have to endure that - endure the emotional abuse.

It's painful to know that your own flesh and blood, your own brother, your own best friend, would even do such a thing to another person you love.

It was a difficult concept to grasp, though I had to grasp it tightly. It has happened. Zenith did it. It's in fine print. Bold lettering.

The blood we share shouldn't falter the actions he performed.

It's just heartbreaking.

He's my brother. And I'm heartbroken.

Mum cried to me before I left home. Told me that all she could do was blame herself. And for what? Mum did nothing wrong. Neither of my parents did anything wrong. They raised us perfectly. Neither of my parents ever put their hands on us. Threatened to, sure. But my mum and dad would never lay a finger on us.

We've never been manipulated before. Our parents brought us up with love and prosperity. With bravery and all. With all the love a parent could give.

It never made sense to my mum how Zenith would turn out that way. If I was given to chance to ask him 'Why?' I would. But I couldn't face him. I would break down and cry. And scream at him for being so bloody stupid.

I told my mum that he is his own person. Whatever he doesn't surely doesn't reflect on you or dad.

The supposed other half of me is far away. But who are we to blame but the predecessor himself?

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