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Hey my lovelies-

Enjoy this chapter for I have nOTHING TO SAY. It's just a wholesome little filler. Updating twice today! Stay tuned. 

Without further adieu, I present to you...

N A R S A 

narsa malfoy

Disgusting. Just disgusting.

Merlin's Beard, people really think I'm stupid!

None of my cousins can lie to me. Or even the Zabinis.

For fucks sake I'm a lesbian myself! 

I know child's play when I see it.

To be honest with you I'm offended!


I'm offended.

'i foRgOt mY qUiLL' oh shut up Amelie my cousin was fingering you underneath the table.

Been there done that, Ms. Zabini.

Once class was over, I quickly packed my things up in attempt to scurry out of here for lunch.

"In a rush?" Zeno beckoned. 

"You know how she is when it comes to lunch time," Oliver added.

"The boys aren't going to lunch. I'll come with you," Mel said as she packed her items up as well.

"Alright," I responded lowly.


How do I break it to her that I know she's messing around with my cousin?

Do I even tell her that I know?

Think of me as a warning label.

'Yikes! Mel are you sure?! He's a man-whore do you really want to walk in the murky water?'.

No, that's mean. Zeno really is a gentleman and the only flaw he has is sticking his body parts in every hole that walks and talks.

"Ready?" Mel questioned.

I nod yes as we start walking alongside together.

"So, how did you like Potions class with the big kids?" Mel asked.

"Oh. Just perfect," I said.

"Are you sure? That doesn't sound promising-."

"Mel I'm not an idiot I'm a raging lesbian and I know child's play when I see it," I spat quietly.

I watched Mel's reaction as she realizes that I'm not an idiot.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about-."

"Mel-. Oliver may be a little idiot but I'm certainly not. Did my cousin finger you or did he not-."

"Fucks sake, Narsa!" Amelie hissed, "Could you lower your voice?"

"Well could you two fiddle with one another somewhere else!" I retorted, "Besides, is he really something you want to.... do stuff...with?"

She rolled her eyes.

"it's not even like that, Narsa. I'm single. He's single. We're both...willing to...do stuff... together," she spoke puzzled, "And plus he's never been challenged before. Think of me as a maze."

"You're an easy maze that's for sure," I muttered under my breath.

She lightly shoved me as I chuckled.

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