Month 2 Day 3

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I finally got out of there. It's embarrassing to stay in the 'hospital'. My pack members already know I'm weak and when they see me in there they make fun of me more. 

I wanna be strong for once. But I can't. It's hard. 

I got back to work right when I got out. I cooked and cleaned mostly every room in this house. The one room off limits is Jarod's. 

If I ever go in there, I would absolutely die. And I'm not overreacting. I went in there once, couldn't feel my legs for the longest time. 

Anyway, I was rudely awakened this morning by a bucket of ice-cole water. Jarod only smirked when he saw my expression. 

I could've cussed him out or hit him, but I'm just not that courageous. I'm weak. 

Of course. 

Malena stays with me 24/7. I never leave her alone. I don't know what the pack members will do to her. 

So I sort of have to multitask. I have to take care of Malena and do all of these chores. 

I love Koda. He helps me so mcuh with her. And he got Rennard away from me the whole day. 

The Luna also helps with Malena. She loves her. 

Nate hasn't visited Malena in a while. That makes me mad. She needs her father. 

I try so hard to let Malena get her two parents. 

I grew up hated. My mom didn't want me. She called me a mistake. My dad never really talk to me. It was my mom that did all the talking. 

I don't want Malena to have the childhood I had. 

Oh yeah. I mentioned that my parents left me and Koda. 

Oh how they loved him to death. Their son, their first born. 

Then there was me. They looked at me with such hate and disgust. 

Anyway, they left to go back to their hometown. This wasn't their usual pack. 

They left when I needed them the most. 

I'm gonna try my best at Malena having her parents in her childhood. 

I just go this crazy question in my head. Why does Jarod hate me so much?

When I first met him, he was nice. He had his mate and he was so happy. Well, I never have seen his mate but I bet she was pretty. Unfortunately, she got attacked by rogues. After that, he changed. He started beating me to a pulp. 

I just wonder, why me? 

I never did anything to him. Ever. 

Anyway, I don't know why. I don't think I'll ever know why. 

Alone and Unwanted (No longer writing)Where stories live. Discover now