Month 8 Day 12

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You couldn't really notice it when you saw me, but I have a small tiny teeny little bump. Oh how I love this child who is growing inside of me.

Remember the whole we're-gonna-take-your-baby-from-you-when-it's-born crap? Yeah well, the Alpha's had let me keep it. They said forget that they even said that.

But here's the thing.

That little fight with me and Jarod, yeah, he still believes it's me who stole the money. Crazy right?

Oh and get this, he is the one wanting to take my baby from me when it's born. Funny right? Haha-wrong.

I got so pissed off when he told me that. I thought Jarod would be that kind of guy who would stay with me and our baby. But he just wants it for himself. He doesn't want me in the picture.

Good thing the Alpha and Luna are at my side. They said that my baby is not going to be taken from me.

Okay, time for a little reality check with the pack.

Nate-he's still a douche.

Nichole-she's still a slut.

Koda-he wants to propose to Emmalee!

Emmalee-she's so in love with Koda.

Jarod-is not talking to me

Rennard- is making up for what he did.

Luna-is suddenly quiet around me.

Alpha- is surprisingly talking to me.

Malena- is growing fast.

Unborn baby-is growing too.

Me-I don't know.

I'm in an odd period in my life. New things have happened to me and they are highly unexpected.

There has recently been a new member in my pack. At first I thought it was a boy. But I later learned that it was a girl. She called herself Chase. And I wonder what her real name is. She has dirty blond hair and she hides it with a baseball cap. She is a major tomboy.

Anyway, she went crazy the first night she was here and she was sent to the dungeons. There she saw Rennard and guess what they are.

Ding Ding Ding!

If you guessed they were mates you got it right. Love at first....jail cell.

Haha....I laugh at my own jokes.

Ooh. Today is such a weird day. I never joke around.

Oh! Malena just learned how to crawl and I nearly cried. My baby girl is growing so fast!

At least another one is on the way. She can have a little play about nine months.

I hope it's another girl. I don't know what the hell to do with boys.

As I was passing the plates of food for the pack at dinner, I heard a glass get clinked with a fork. Koda stood from his seat with his face red.

"Um...I'd like to make an announcement," he said.

This is it.

He took out a velvet box out of his pocket and knelt in front of Emmalee. Her hands flew to her mouth and tears were in her eyes.

"Listen, Emmalee, you know you don't like sappy speeches so I'm just gonna cut to the chase. From the first time I laid eyes on you, I knew you were the one. Will you marry me?"

Emmalee hesitated for a moment until she finally said yes. Everybody cheered and clapped for them.

I ran and gave them both a hug.

Yay! My two best friends are getting married.



Well, she's in a happy mood. I tried to make this not depressing and I would like to add a song that represents Tavern's mood. I hope you like it! Enjoy!




<3 Lesley

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