Month 2 Day 1

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So..... it's been a month writing. I feel better writing in this journal/diary. I can say whatever and nobody can say anything about it.

I got really mad at Koda when I found out he wrote in my journal/diary. But he didn't say anything bad, so I forgave him of course. 

Malena has been less loud at night. I can at least get two hours of sleep. 

The Luna asked me how I know how to do so much with a baby. Nobody ever told me. I taught myself. I was scared to death at first, but I got the hang of it. 

Nate and I had made a plan. He'd get Malena once a week. That one day kills me. I don't know what he does with her. He better treat her good. 

A strange thing that happened to me, the Alpha asked for some time with Malena too. 

Of course I let him. I didn't want to make him mad. 

 I've been working again. The pack members are making me. They said they don't want me to be a lazy ass. Ugh, jerks. 

I made the usual breakfast in the morning. I felt myself getting pushed to the floor. Someone kept smashing my head in the white tile. Blood began seeping out of my skull. 

I was beginning to get sleepy. Before I fell asleep, I saw Koda. 

Koda's (POV)

I saw Tavern getting hurt by Rennard. He was a very young wolf but no one knows that. He's very powerful for a fourteen year old. But not as powerful as Jarod. Jarod has done worse. 

I quickly went up to her and carried her to Sylvia. 

"Oh my God," Sylvia said as she saw Tavern. 

She motioned me to put her on the bed. I did. 

"Was it Jarod again?" she asked. 

I nodded. 

I watched as Sylvia clean Tavern and heal her. 

I carried Malena in the room. She keeps on crying for her mom. 

I can't do anything for her. Besides give her a bottle. 

I saw Tavern shuffle her feet a little. I went to her side, still holding Malena. 

"Tavern, can you here me?" I asked her. 

Finally, Tavern opened her eyes. 

"Do I need to go get Sylvia?" I asked. 

She shook her head. 

"Was it Jarod?" Tavern asked. 

I shook my head. "Rennard."

She sighed. It was ususal for her to get hurt from either Rennard or Jarod. 

I try to protect her as much as I can from them. I fail every time. 

"Can you take me to my bedroom?" she asked me. 

"No, you are not going back until you feel better," Sylvia told her. 

Tavern sighed heavily. "I'll get punished if I don't do my chores." 

Sylvia shook her head. 

"You are too weak, I can't let you back because you know what will happen." 

She was right. Even if she went back and did her chores, Tavern will still get hurt. 

Tavern rolled her eyes and held her arms out for Malena. I gave her to Tavern.

She smiled and I liked that. She rarely smiles. 

Just then a knock went on the door and the Luna stepped in the room. 

"Who was it?" she asked firmly. 

Tavern stayed quiet. 

"It was Rennard," I said to her. 

"Rennard? I never knew he hurt you. Why didn't you tell me?" she asked Tavern. 

"He never hurt me this bad before," was all Tavern said. 

The Luna nodded and left the room. 

Alone and Unwanted (No longer writing)Where stories live. Discover now