A Walk in the Woods

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l a warning, slight blood.


It had been a 2 months since Luz had followed Owlbert through a magical portal that changed her life.

She was currently laying on her makeshift bed, which was a sleeping bag with extra blankets underneath her. Despite it being 12 am, she couldn't get any sleep. She started to look around her room to pass the time.

Eyes wandered around the room, but eventually landed on one fluffy companion at the foot of her 'bed'. It was almost as if her eyes forced King awake, because he began to shift around until his bright yellow eyes were staring back at Luz's. She was sorry for waking him up, and decided it was best to take a walk to clear her head.

"Hey King, do you mind getting off of my sleeping bag so I can get up?" She asked in a low whisper, seeing as he just woke up.

"I don't know what this 'sleeping bag' is that you mentioned, but I refuse to move from your bed cocoon," he whispered, almost like he was appalled she asked.

"King please, I need to,"

Luz thought about her next words. She needed to be careful as to not worry him or Eda about a midnight stroll through the woods, "Check up on Hooty. And unless you want him checking on us instead, I recommend you let me do it first." She hoped that the idea of the bird tube talking to him in the middle of the night would be enough to get King to move.

"Well why didn't you say so!" King said, although a little to loudly.

"King, be quiet! You could wake someone up!" Luz yelled in a whisper, careful to maintain her calm voice.

"The king of demons quiets down for no one!" Despite his statement, he seemed to return to a whisper, earning a sigh of relief from Luz. After he trotted around for a few more seconds, King laid down farther away from her.

As Luz wiggles out of her sleeping bag and exited the room, she could've sworn she heard king mumble something about escaping Hooty, but she was quick to dismiss the thought.

She carefully tried to walk down the stairs to the living room, but the creaking of each step made her cringe slightly. At this rate, Luz figured she might as well wake up Eda herself. Shaking away the idea, she reached the last step with a sigh and slowly made her way to the front door. If lucky, she could avoid waking up Hooty as she opened it. But luck wasn't on her side. As she reached for the door handle, it swung open by itself, revealing a very familiar house demon. "Luz! What a nice surprise! What are you doing here?!" Luz was physically startled by the volume and quickly put her hand over the owl's face.

"Hooty! Everyone is asleep, would you please keep the volume at a minimum?" She whispered. Slowly moving her hand away, she began to walk out the door.

"Hoot! What, where are you going? Ohh can I come with you?! I'll get my things!" Luz didn't want to have to deal with this in the middle of the night, so she turned around to say a few sentences before continuing.

"I'm just going for a walk. I will be back soon. And no, you can't come with me." She looked into Hooty's eyes to see visible sadness before turning around, ignoring anymore babbling coming from the bird.

With a few moments alone to clear her head, her thoughts started to wander. She wondered what her mom would think about the world she was in. "Guess my imagination wasn't as wild as you thought," Luz mumbled under her breath. Her thoughts bounced between her mom, her treatment in the human world, and her current predicament. She really liked it in the boiling isles, quirkiness and all. The place was just like her.

She wasn't paying attention to where to she was or to where she was going. Luz was so lost in her thoughts that when she looked around, she noticed she was lost. 'Great job, Luz. Now you have to find your way back to an angry mentor for getting lost.' She thought, although she wasn't sure how mad Eda would be that she got lost wandering in the woods.

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