Confusion with Uncertainty

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Y'all quick question: should I start writing in third person? I might try doing that instead, I'm feeling more confident in my writing :)


The Owl House was... tense.

Boscha and Amity are at each other's throats on multiple occasions. It seems like they very much do not clash well when sleeping under the same roof.

Luz and Hunter have so much negative energy between them, you could feel it when you walked into the same room as them.

Then there was Lilith.

I have a feeling she could tell everyone in that room dislikes her presence. Luz and Amity leave the room the moment she enters. Everyone would eventually leave the rooms she entered, one by one after that.

It's only been 3 days.

Sometimes I feel bad for her. For how she's being treated. But then I remember how she mercilessly fired her staff, point blank at Luz's head.

Then I leave the room, too.

Saving Eda and being her sister is enough for her to stay here, at least in Eda's eyes, but it was...


Apart from the obvious discomfort of everyone currently staying in the Owl House, Minus Hooty, there has only been 4 notable concerns.

1- Mom and Dad airing on the Bonesborough news, saying stuff like "and we are just so upset that our children are missing!" The Blights are a big name with a lot of influence, the information that we were "missing" spread like wildfire.

2- Belos has been quiet. Way too quiet after something like that. He claimed that the Owl Lady has been punished for her crimes, and that the Titan choose to spare her life. He said that the Golden Guard has been killed in action. He dropped the charges on Amity, claiming that he was "only carrying out the Titan's will", then went silent.

3- Bump declared that everyone involved in Tuesday's petrification would still be allowed an education. Whether or not that includes Luz is still up for debate in the Owl House.

4- Luz disappears sometimes. It only happens once per day, but no one can find her for a few hours until she gets back.

And that leads to right now. Ed and I were sitting together in our now more permanent room, thanks to Eda.

We weren't saying anything, both scrolling through Pentsagram or just resting. Until Ed decided to ask an... interesting question.

"Do you want to go see if we can get back into Hexside?"

I sputtered, and probably would've fallen off of my bed if I had one.


"Wha-why? We literally just escaped the emperor, Ed!" I said, looking at him with a perplexed face.

He looked shocked for a moment, before bursting out into small fits of laughter. He struggled to talk in between, making him sound like a dying unicorn.

"No-no not for us! Titan Em, who do you think I am? For Mittens. And Luz."

Ah, that makes sense.

Amity always loved school, it was kinda her escape as much as making trouble was ours. And then there's Luz.

She loves magic. It's her drive, and probably one of the only things that made her feel... normal... here. Given her circumstances.

I hummed thoughtfully, waiting for Edric to elaborate.

"They're both very obviously not in a good mood these days, so I thought it would improve it," He said, shrugging before looking back at his scroll. I looked at the ceiling in thought.

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