A Small Reminder

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So...... I took a lot longer to get this done than I intended....... Sorry about That.... Also- OVER 3000 READS?! I can't right now thank you so much! I'm literally so happy! As always, sorry for my Spanish and enjoy this chapter!


Ah, Sundays.

The day after Grom...

No school...

Just a day to relax and enjoy my time on the Boiling Isles...


...I didn't have a headache.

"Oh course I get sick on my one day of relaxation..." I mumbled as I tossed around in my sleeping bag. I tried to turn my neck up to view my alarm clock, but a sharp pain kept me from turning it high enough. So, instead, I grabbed my phone laying next to me and looked at the time.

12:49 PM

'That's the first time I slept in in... forever...'

I shook my head clear of thoughts and saw a text message from my mom.

Mamí<3: ¡Hola Mija! How is camp? Did you make some friends since last we talked?

I hated lying to my mom. It made me feel sick to my stomach, and it's even worse now that I'm a werewolf. I don't know if I'll ever be able to come home...

But for now, I have to keep lying.

Me: Si mamá. I made some friends! But I have to go for now. Te quiero.

The headache only got worse as I laid in bed, so I decided to slowly drag myself out to the kitchen. When I got to the stairs, I heard King and Hooty yelling at each other.

My head was pounding, and I couldn't even hear a word of what they were saying. I just leaned on the rail at the bottom steps, mumbling at them.

"...stop..." I said it so soft and quietly, even I could barely hear it. They continued their argument, and now Eda was walking into the room with an amused expression. She didn't notice me yet.

"Stop." I said it louder this time, but they still couldn't hear me. I shifted my weight onto my feet and stepped into the living room. It was then that Eda noticed me, but it was too late.

"I said, STOP!" I screamed at them this time. That immediately shut them up as they looked over at me. It became deafeningly quiet, and I was holding onto my head as the pain increased.

"Hey kiddo, are you ok?" I couldn't tell whose voice it was, but the word choice told me Eda. I couldn't speak, not even a mumble, so I shook my head.

I could hear someone saying something, but I couldn't even make out the words now. The pain drowned out everything else, and I could feel myself starting to fall.

I opened my eyes and scanned the area, trying to find somewhere to land. Eda was on my left, so that'll have to do.

I leaned to my left, and fell into Eda's arms, barely conscious.

She laid me down on the couch and yelled something at King before looking back at me. My vision had blurred significantly and I could barely tell that Eda was next to me.

I just laid in pain before fully passing out.


The twins and I all sat in silence as we ate our food. Mom and dad left for work, saying something about the emperor needing every last mind focused on finding the werewolf. I decided to keep quiet on my extra knowledge.

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