The General

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Heyo I'm back from the dead. I have an amazing, beautiful girlfriend now 🥳 oh yeah and mild language warning I suppose.


Hunter flinched, the ringing in his ears letting him know of the very unfortunate head injury he sustained. Luz managed an apology before asking the most obvious question.

"How did you know that would happen?"

"I didn't. But I recognized the symbol in the center."

Luz scrounged her memory to try and remember what the rune looked like. It had a hexagon outer shell, with intricating lines and different shapes all throughout the inside. Now that she thought about it, there was what looked to be a circle in the center and some more shapes in the circle.

"A glyph..." She whispered, her eyebrows furrowing as she tried to formulate a question. "But... how would... unless... how... did you...?" Her question was barely understandable, but Hunter lowered his head as her gaze fell upon him.

"You never asked..."

Luz considered asking now, but the situation was too dire, and he was too injured to exchange anecdotes.

"Come on, let's go-," She started moving forward, Hunter left with no option but to move as well. When her foot made contact with the next stone slab on the floor, she heard a clicking noise. She braced for impact of whatever trap was just set off and closed her eyes and turned her head. Instead, all she heard was the sound of fire igniting. She didn't open her eyes, scared of seeing what was set a lit.

Until she heard Hunter gasp and felt him forcefully remove himself from her grasp, collapsing to the ground.

Then she opened her eyes, intending to help him up.

"Hunter, what-"

She wished she didn't open her eyes. She wished she could just run back through that door and never open it.

In that moment, she wished she never followed that damn owl.

When she opened her eyes, she was met with dozens of skeletons.

They filled the room; it looked like a main hall. It had branching hallways and doors leading in every direction.

But her eyes seemed to zero in on every skeleton in that room. Some were missing body parts. Some were scattered in a small area. Some were smaller than they should be.

She hated those the most.

There was one directly across the room from them, stuck to the wall at least 3 meters from the floor.

There was another, sprawled across the floor to the left, holding what looks like a staff, or at least what used to be a staff.

Some were huddled together. In the left corner there was a small skeleton, they couldn't have been older than 7, behind a pile of dust. A person.

She couldn't move. Couldn't think. Couldn't react.

Until she heard Hunter gagging from his place on the stone bellow her, and she backed away from the scene so fast she tripped over her feet, collapsing onto the floor as well.

They didn't say anything to each other, and the cause of the fire became apparent when she saw the torches on the wall, but she barely acknowledged any other part of the room. She skimmed over the smooth walls and ceiling, tried her best to avoid looking at the discolored spots on the floors and walls. She didn't succeed.

She almost had to physically pry her eyes away from the sight, standing on wobblily legs and making her way to where Hunter was looking at his hands and shaking. She grabbed his arm and hoisted him up, trying to get him to walk with her. She couldn't find her voice, but Hunter was able to find his.

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