One Little Spell

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Alright so I decided to go with first person since I don't really like writing in 3rd person anyway. Apologies for any Spanish grammatical errors.


I was in a room lit only by a single light spell in the corner. As I tried to get up and approach the strange spell, I felt a sharp pain in my side. I tired to open my mouth to scream, but my voice was muffled at best. The pain became more and more intense until I felt something shaking my shoulder and yelling something.

"Mittens? Mittens. Mittens!"


I shot out of my bed with the phantom pain in my side pushing me back down. My eyesight was blurry and I couldn't see much around me. I laid there for maybe 5 minutes when my eyes and ears adjusted to where I could see who was next to me. I looked over and saw the worried expressions of my siblings looking back at me.

"What happened?" I asked, although the nightmare was still fresh in my mind. What was that?

"No idea. We had woken up to the sound of you screaming and came over hear to check on you," Edric said, with his hand gently laid on my shoulder.

"Did you have another nightmare?" Emira asked. I looked over at her to see nothing but concern etched into her face.

"Yeah, but this one was different. I don't even know what it was," I mumbled the last part. "What time is it?"

I noticed Emira turn her head to look at my clock. "4 am. School is canceled today, so try and get some more sleep, ok?" She said.

"Ok, I will. Thank you you two," I said, placing my head back on my pillow and facing my head away from them.

"Of course. We will always be here, Mittens," Edric whispered before being ushered out of the room by Emira.

What was that nightmare? It wasn't like the others. My thoughts drifted between those ideas before I fell back asleep.

~~~~The Morning~~~~

"Do we have to go to the Knee? Isn't there anywhere else I can learn a second spell?" I asked, walking into the kitchen with my ears down. I had slept really well last night, probably the best I had slept in the boiling isles.

"Yes, it is where magical energy is at its peak on the boiling isles. Besides, it'll be funnnnnnn~," Eda said. I just crossed my arms and looked at her.

"Well alright. When do we leave?" I asked her. "I had promised Gus and Willow that we could go to the witches convention held today." They really wanted to go because school was out.

"Around 3. And why do you want to join a coven when you can be wild like me?" Eda said, pointing to her chest and chugging some apple blood. She then promptly burped.

"Right..... wild. Well I'm gonna go change and leave for the convention," I said, walking back upstairs.

"Alright kid, but remember, no one can know what you are!" Eda yelled. I know that, but it still was uncomfortable to shove my tail in my jeans and hide my more sensitive ears under my beanie.

After changing I looked at the mirror. My outfit was very similar to yesterday's but I wore a plain white shirt instead of the striped one.

"Alright Eda, I'm off to town!" I yelled, opening the door.

"Be careful!" Eda replied.

"And get me a new recruit for my army!" King squealed, walking by the front door.

"I'll try my best, adorable," I replied.

"I am not adorable! I am a fierce ruler!" King screamed, marching towards the kitchen.

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