I'm Sorry

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So quick note. My updates are going to be really inconsistent for a while because of school. I'll try my best to update at a decent pace, but don't be surprised if I take larger breaks. Also, this chapter has some pretty intense scenes as well as a decent amount of blood. This is your warning. Thank you, and sorry for my Spanish.



I have no way of knowing where Aster is.

Running in the direction I heard the howl in isn't working, and I'm too far into the woods to find my way back.

After running for what felt like hours, I had to sit down and collect my thoughts. Or to at least let my legs have a break.

'It's weird that I got a text from Boscha right before this. The only way for that to make sense is that she knew about Aster, but then why would she say to stay away from the owl house? Did something happen to Luz?!'

My thoughts kept running as I sat on a rock in the middle of a clearing.

'I knew I should've gone to the owl house with her. Dammit!'

Around 30 seconds pass until I heard an ear piecing howl, much louder than before.

I sprang up from my rock and ran in the direction of the noise, carelessly snapping twigs and crunching leaves as only one thought ran in my head.

'Please be ok. Please be ok. Please be ok. Please be ok.'

Eventually, I reached another cliff side with a sight to behold at the edge.

In front of me was a manticore, facing away from me as it slowly approached Aster, who was backing up towards the cliffs edge. The wound across Aster's side was still bleeding, gushing out blood as she moved. It looked like it was causing her immense pain as she stared at the manticore. Her eyes were still their normal blue, the usual color for werewolves.

Her eyes flickered from the beast to me, and they widened before she took an offensive stance. I tensed as I moved closer behind the manticore, avoiding it's swishing dual-snake headed tail.

I was maybe 3 meters away from the monster, arm raised and ready to summon a spell circle to fight this thing. But that's not what happened.

The manticore took a swing at Aster, who sloppily dodged the attack to the side before running full speed at me. Her eyes looked almost feral, and they returned to a partial silver as she approached. I braced for impact, ready to accept my fate and my choices. I closed my eyes and stepped back slightly, arms thrown in front of me as I waited for the inevitable. But it never came.

I waited 2 seconds. 3. 4. Eventually I opened my eyes to see what had stopped her attack, but I had it all wrong.

Aster's back was facing me as she stared at the manticore, crouching as she snarled. Her stance was defensive, and any attempt to move on the manticore's part was met with an equal retaliation from Aster.

She was protecting me.

After everything.

She still cared.

But now...

It's my turn.


I slowly backed further towards the cliff as the manticore approached me. My side stung and my vision started to blur due to several snake bites. And loss of blood.

Its tail swished as it approached, and my eyes flickered down to the moving appendage. But I saw something I didn't expect to see. Or rather, someone.

A Witch and a Wolf (Lumity Werewolf AU)Where stories live. Discover now