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Ok so I never actually thought anyone would read this fanfic, but now I have over one hundred reads, and I'm just so grateful. Thank you so much. As always, my Spanish is terrible and I apologize in advance.


I've officially completed one week of school. One full week, anyway.

It has been a week and a half since the nightmare fiasco, and I think Emira and I were the only ones to really have long term effects. The memory of the situation kinda fades after a while, or at least that's what Amity and Willow said. But Emira and I were unconscious for a little over 5 hours, so it's hard to forget something like that.

Eda had been trying to figure out what I saw that day, but I never talked about it. The only person I ever mention anything about it to is Amity, because she saw what happened. I also had to assure Eda that the fear I saw had nothing to do with me being a werewolf, so Amity didn't know. That was something Eda was panicking about when we got home.

Speaking of Amity, her and Willow started talking again. It will be a slow process, but it's progress nonetheless. I'm so happy for those two.

I was sitting in my room reading The Good Witch Azura, volume 5 (The best one in the series) when I heard the crashing downstairs coupled with yelling.

"STOP IT! Stop, you're getting it everywhere!" That was Eda's voice. Something must be wrong.

"I'm trying! I'm trying! But I-," That was King starting to talk, but then a loud crash cut him off.

That was it for me. I got up and ran down the stairs to see what was happening. What I saw was... a sight to behold.

There was mud everywhere. Hooty was wrapped around the house saying things like "you'll never take me alive!" King must've been tossed into a wall, because he was flat on his stomach groaning. Eda had one hand holding her staff and another trying to rub the mud off of Hooty. Owlbert was holding a bucket of water, trying to wash Hooty off.

'Oh. This makes a lot of sense. They're trying to clean Hooty. They're trying to clean Hooty...'

I gotta get out of here before they ask me to help.

I glanced over at the clock on the wall.

12:48 AM

I don't have good memories associated with going outside at midnight, but cleaning Hooty is worse.

"Hey kid can you-,"

"No time! I have to go for a run! See ya later love you!" I said, turning around any running out the open door. It was only then that I realized I was still carrying my Azura book, so I decided to go to the river not far from the house and read.


It was the same nightmare that woke me up again. I was sitting in a pitch black room when searing pain hits my side. It stays that way until either Ed and Em wake me up, or I shock myself awake. It has been a lot of the latter lately. 'At least it's the weekend.'

I laid in bed for maybe another hour, trying to fall back asleep before I accepted that I wasn't going to be able to. I glanced over at the clock.

12:28 Am

Great. There goes any chance of a good nights sleep for the fair tomorrow.

I got out of bed and hobbled over to my bathroom. The candles flickered on as I entered, making my eyes adjust to the sudden brightness. I stared at my sleep deprived face for a few minutes, thinking.

'I wonder how Aster is. I haven't seen her since the knee.'

I got lost in my thoughts for a while, staring at my reflection. I started thinking of the nightmare event at the school, and how Em is still emotionally distraught over the whole thing. Ed and I are trying our best to comfort her, to no avail. I too, still remembered watching that scene over and over again, but I kept my mouth shut.

A Witch and a Wolf (Lumity Werewolf AU)Where stories live. Discover now