Old Habits Die Hard

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I'm sorry for being late with this post. As always, Apologies for my terrible Spanish.


The fair was so much fun. I got to spend time with everyone, go on rides. Figure out my... feelings.

Except now I was in my room on a Sunday night with the twins. Not so fun.

"Come on, Mittens! Tell us why you were grinning like an idiot when you came home yesterday!" Emira yelled. Now, the real reason I was grinning was because Luz walked me home and smiled at me as she left.

Her smile. It'd make everyone in the room fall for her if she smiled genuinely like that everyday. But there was something wrong, something she was hiding.

"I told you two! I just had a good day at the fair, that's all," I really didn't want them to find out about my feelings. The moment they did it would be never ending torture for me.

"Ok... then where did you get the Slitherbeast plushie?" Edric asked. Dang it, I was really hoping they would just think I won it.

"I-I won it?" My voice made it sound more like a question and way less convincing.

"Mittens, we're your siblings. We know you well enough to know that you think most of those booths are scams. So who won it?" Shoot. Em was right. I never actually try at those because every time I do, I don't win.

"You two are never going to drop this, are you?" Titan, I was really hoping they'd leave it alone. At least until I'm ready to tell someone.

"Nope," Edric said, shaking his head and smiling. They were both leaning on my bed while I was at my desk finishing homework.

"Ok, fine. Someone won it for me. I'm just not ready to say who," Please don't take that the wrong way. Please don't take that the wrong way.

"Oooooo, Mittens. I didn't know you had it in you to go behind mom and dad's backs like that. Sneaky~" Em smiled as she said that, bouncing her eyebrows up and down.

"UGGH, it's not like that! Now leave me alone," I said as I pushed my sibling out of the room. Edric looked at me with a pretend hurt face and put his hand on his chest.

"Ouch, I thought this was family bonding night," He said, wiping a fake tear from his eye.

"Just Go!" I yelled, closing the door in their faces.

Titan, sometimes they can be unbearable. I walked back over to my desk and started working on my homework again.

Tomorrow morning is gonna be greattttttt.


I decided to walk home, since I couldn't exactly carry my book and the plushie while in wolf form without a backpack or very large pockets.

I hope Amity is ok. She seemed to be running a fever after we got off the Ferris wheel, so I decided to walk her home.

When the house came into view, I could see Hooty start to stretch his way over to me.

"Hey, Hooty!" I said with a cheerful voice. I was feeling great that day.

"Hoot! Hi Luz! Ooo is that for me?! I love gifts!" Hooty said, while he tried to grab the griffin plushie I was carrying. He extended closer.

"No, Hooty! Stop! It's for King!" I yelled, holding it away from the bird tube.

"HEH, for me?!" King asked while he ran out the door towards me.

"Oh, King! Just the adorable creature I wanted to see! Here you go," I said while handing him the plushie.

"I am not adorable! But this plushie is, acceptable for my army," He said while marching back into the house. I chuckled and followed him inside.

A Witch and a Wolf (Lumity Werewolf AU)Where stories live. Discover now