
758 30 32

3:45 PM
8.3 Hours Left

"She's not getting away with this," Eda said with vengeance in her eyes.

Eda, Boscha, Willow, Gus, Skara, and I were all in the living room deciding on how to get Luz back. Small ideas have been thrown around, but I remained completely silent.

I'm gonna kill her.

She can't take Luz and get out alive. I'm gonna kill her.

"So we all agree that we have to get Luz back, but how exactly do we plan on doing that?" Gus asked, with emphasis on the end of his sentence.

I knew we didn't have much time. Eda initially wanted to go alone to get Luz back, but they eventually convinced her to make a plan before running to the emperor's palace head first. I didn't contribute in the convincing.

Willow then snapped her fingers and spoke.
"We could approach the castle through one of the back windows."

Skara nodded to that. "Ok, that's something. We need a way to distract the guard towers, though," She said.

"What if we-," Gus started, but was cut off by loud knocking on the front door. Whoever was on the other side was completely ignoring Hooty, and that's never a good sign.

"AMITY! LUZ! THE OWL LADY! SOMEONE!" The person screamed as they banged on the door. They were yelling too loud and sounded too frantic to make out the owner.

"Hooty! Open the door!" Eda said, looking at the bird tube. He followed the request and Viney and Jerbo came stumbling into the owl house.

"Hey! I know you guys! You hang out with the twins on occasion, right?" Gus asked, lightning the mood.

"Yes, we do. Amity, we have bad news. Like, really bad news," Viney said, heavily breathing.

I didn't trust myself to speak, so I just nodded, telling her to continue.

"So Jerbo and I were walking through town, trying to avoid the absurd amount of guards everywhere, when we saw a prisoner transport," Viney said. I maintained a neutral face. Jerbo looked at me worryingly, but continued where Viney left off.

"We got a brief glance into the cart, and we saw Edric and Emira," He finished.




'Not them too.'


I felt any hope I had break, but I had no more tears.


No more emotion.


'Turn. It. Off.'


Mother's voice echoed in my head.


I stood up, and turned to look at everyone. I spoke coldly, with no emotion, but everyone in that room could feel the venom in my voice.

"We leave now."

"Amity don't you think we should-," Skara started to say, but my head snapped in her direction and I glared at her with death in my eyes.

"I don't care. We. Leave. Now."

I turned towards the door, and could feel everyone's eyes on me. I didn't care.

"Eda, did you finish cleaning and duplicating the blood?"

I didn't even turn around, I only waited for her to respond.

A Witch and a Wolf (Lumity Werewolf AU)Where stories live. Discover now