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After a reallllly long hiatus, I have returned! Because of some of the new information given to us from season 2b, I had to significantly change the next few arcs. Thank you for your patience, and, as always, sorry for my Spanish.


The ride back was almost entirely silent. There were some whispers thrown between staffs, but no one spoke at a normal volume. At least not until we reached the Owl House.

Viney was the last person to land. Once we stepped foot on the front lawn, the first thing that happened was the door slammed open, removing any opportunity for Hooty to talk.

"LUZ!" King screamed, sprinting on all fours in my direction. Just before reaching me, he jumped into the air.

I caught him, and squeezed his tiny little body.

"King! Oh my God it's so good to see you!" I said. Only then did I remember that I was probably suffocating him, and released him onto the ground. Behind me, I could hear Amity running to another person. Or people.

"Edric! Emira!" She said, as she collided with the twins. They got knocked back a foot or two, but recovered quickly, and returned the hug.

"Hey Mittens, did ya miss us?" Ed said, placing his head on top of Amity's.

Amity didn't say anything to his question, only nodding into his chest.

"We missed you too," Em said, hugging both Ed and Amity.

"When Jerbo said you guys got taken, I didn't know what to do, I-I..." Amity mumbled, face still pressed against Ed.

"Hey, it's okay. We're here. And we're glad you're safe," Em said. She ruffled Ed's hair, and he smirked before reaching over and doing to the same to her. I smiled at the sibling bonding scene before me, before I felt two bodies push me to the ground.

"Luz!" Willow yelled, wrapping her arms around me from the right. I was taller than her by a few inches, but it didn't make a difference while on the ground.

"LUZ! OH MY TITAN I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD! I WAS STAYING STRONG, BUT I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE BACK!" Gus wailed, hugging me from my left. He was still the shortest, given that he's 14 and most of us are around 16 or 18.

"Hey guys! I'm happy to see you, too!" I said, returning the hug. I stood up, with both Gus and Willow still clinging to me. Willow was the first to let go, but Gus would not. I just shrugged, looking over at Viney and Jerbo.

They nodded to me with a smile, then walked over to the twins. The Blight siblings were finished with their reunion, and now Amity was making her way back to Willow, Gus, and I.

Gus still wouldn't let go, so I peeled him off of me with one arm. He pouted, and crossed his arms, but stood on the ground anyway.

"So Willow, Boscha huh?" Amity said, smirking. Willow turned beat red, like a strawberry. I looked between the two for a few seconds, before coming to a realization.

"No. Way," I said, my eyes widening. I glanced over my shoulder at Boscha, who was talking with a newly awoken Skara, and pointed at her, then at Willow, multiple times.

The more I did it the more embarrassed Willow became, and I placed my hands on my face.

"It's like an enemies to lovers thing! That's fricking amazing!" I whispered yelled to Willow, who was now covering her face with her hands. Amity snickered and Gus had a devious smirk on his face.

"So, just to clarify, you wouldn't mind if we help you with your love life, right?" Gus said, putting his hands together.

"Uggghhhhh..." Willow sighed, dragging her hand down her face. "Please stopppp."

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