Against the Clock

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Sorry for my Spanish.

5:01 AM
19 hours left

It's Cold.

Unnaturally cold.

The room I am in is pitch black. As I looked around the darkness, I saw a dull light spell. It wasn't nearly as bright as it should've been, and it looked ready to give out.

'That's weird. If this is my usual nightmare, something's wrong...'

I started to walk towards the orb of light, and fully expected the usual never ending pain.

But it didn't come.

I reached the ball and held it, guiding it towards my face. I looked into the spell, and saw my reflection. There were tears in my eyes, and it was a never ending stream of salty water.

In shock, I dropped the ball and fell backwards, hitting the nonexistent floor of the room I was in. I wiped at my checks to see water on my fingers mixed with a red substance.


I woke up and tried to push my covers off of me, but I was unsuccessful.

'Where are Ed and Em? Where am I?'

I took a look at my surroundings and started to remember yesterday.

'That's right. I'm at the owl house.'

That's when I started to hear music playing. It was in a weird language I didn't know, and was coming from a rectangle next to Luz's sleep bag.

I picked up the rectangle and saw what said on the screen.

5:07 AM



I clicked the stop button, hoping to end the music, and it did.

'Luz explained to me what this thing is once. A pfone, I think is what she called it. Huh.'

It was also extremely early. So either Luz casually wakes up at 5 AM on a Monday, or Eda set an alarm. I quickly got my answer as the door to the room was kicked open.

"Rise and shine, Amit- awwww man, you're already awake..." A very energetic Boscha yelled as she entered the room.

"Boscha, what...?" I was still half asleep and only partially aware of the new source of sound that entered the area.

"The Owl Lady said to wake you up, just in case the alarm she think she set didn't. We are apparently needed in the living room," She said, already turning around. "Hurry up and get ready!"

As I removed my self from the sleep bag and got ready, I thought about what could await me downstairs.

'Wonder what they need me for. Luz is probably down there still not awake. Eda and Boscha are down there, but probably not King. Hooty's down there.'

I involuntarily shivered at the thought of the bird tube, but continued getting ready.

Once I got dressed and, despite my better judgment, brushed my teeth using a toothbrush Eda found, I made my way down the stairs.

Eda was there, looking directly at the wolf that was Luz with the most somber expression I think I've seen on her face. Boscha's expression wasn't much better, and the energy from before seemed completely zapped out of her system.

A Witch and a Wolf (Lumity Werewolf AU)Where stories live. Discover now