It's All in Your Head

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Ya know, I spend most of my time reading other people's fanfics and it really just puts mine to shame. But I don't care. I'm doing this for me as a story I would write and putting out there for the world to enjoy, so I don't care how my writing compares to others! Don't always compare yourself to others. Stop and appreciate where your at, and acknowledge that you've made good progress. If you are proud of your work, then it doesn't matter what others think. As always, sorry for my terrible Spanish. Also, this chapter deals with more serious topics like abuse and harsh language. It also has gory scenes. View discretion is advised. (I've always wanted to say that lol)


My heart was pounding. Barely 24 hours ago, I was running around the knee trying to find a lost puppy. Now, I get a call from Amity fricking Blight saying that Luz ran off because of some lightheaded spell. Now, that was the sensible decision, given that they would try to help her and pull off her hat... but it still is a pain in my butt.

I landed on the forest floor next to the school, like the young Blight said. I debated landing next to her, as I noticed her pacing back and forth at the school's entrance. But, if her behavior back at the house was any indication, she would ask to come along and pester me with questions. I wasn't in the mood to deal with that. After all, healing two broken limbs and a concussion takes a lot out of you.

"Alright kid, where are you..." I muttered under my breath before beginning to look around. If this was similar to what happened at the knee, then I would be here for a while.


Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap.

It wasn't even an hour since Luz disappeared when some older illusion track kids came into the medbay carrying my brother and sister. At this point, I was freaking out and mumbling in the corner, while looking between my twin siblings and Willow.

"Well, I debated bringing them to the actual hospital, but according to some of my friends who work part time there, nothings working for Boscha and Skara either. So we're just going to keep them here," Viney said while walking over and sitting in the chair next to me.

"There has to be a connection. All these people falling unconscious at the same time all have one thing in common. They're close to me," I rambled, not thinking anyone was listening.

"Woah, ok that's crazy talk. Who or whatever did this to them can't have known that all these people are the ones closest to you," She said, rubbing my arm to calm my nerves. "It must be a coincidence."

"No. There has to be a reason. It would be too many coincidences," I mumbled, glancing over at her.

"Ok. If you are so dead set that something else is going on, why don't we take a look around the school to ease your nerves? This all could be a small bug that knocks people unconscious for a little, ok?" Viney asked. I could hear the concern over my current state in her voice, so I just nodded my head and stood up. "Good. It will help us both get our minds off of this." That's right. Most of the people afflicted were her friends too. Except Boscha and Skara. I wondered they were thinking about, with all the brain activity showing up in scanning spells...



That was the only thing I felt as I laid down in what felt like an eternal abyss. What happened?

The last thing I remembered was running out of the medbay door, but my memories are clouded after that point. I think I faintly remember hearing someone yell my name?

My thoughts were cut short by the sound of footsteps approaching me. I turned to my right to see Willow and Gus walking towards me.

"Guys! You're here too? Wait-," I was about to run to them, but something seemed off. Where ever I was was pitch black, yet I could see them perfectly. It would really be pushing it if I chalked it up to my enhanced vision. "No, something's wrong..."

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