Missing Students

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Sorry for any Spanish errors, you know the drill.


"Dammit Mittens, where you you..." I mumbled while me and Emira were looking around the manor's property.

"Ed, we looked all around town, and now we are back circling the house. We must've missed something back in Bonesborough. Come on," she said. I could tell she was trying to stay calm, but was failing at it.

"No, Em. We looked everywhere around town. It has been 4 hours! She would've been back by now unless something happened. Did you ask her friends?" I asked. Amity hasn't been back since she bolted out the front door. It's been 4 hours. She should be back by now, right?

"Yes. I messaged Boscha and Skara, but they both said that they haven't seen Amity since the convention. I don't know who else she would trust enough to tell where she went... she didn't tell us," Em said. She was disheartened and upset that Amity just ran off, leaving Em and I to deal with our very upset parents. I had to lighten the mood.

"I'm sure she's ok. Who else does she know? Let's check Boscha and Skara off the list and keep asking other people," I said, trying to get her hopes up. Amity had to be ok. She was- no, is strong.

"Right, that sounds like a good idea. I saw her with Willow, Augustus, and that human Luz at the convention today. Let's start there," she muttered. She didn't believe her own words and it hurt to see her so torn.

"Good idea, let's go."


"Gus, no. We can't go to the owl lady's stand today. You heard what Luz said, they were off to train at the knee," I said, still trying to get Gus to help me with watering my plants.

"But Willowwwwwww, I need to see if she has that thing Luz was wearing," he said with a sigh.

"You mean a beanie?" I asked.

"Yeah, that thing!" He exclaimed, eyes lighting up when he heard the word.

"I'd love to have new customers, but we have a problem," a voice behind us said. I turned around to see Eda the owl lady flying down onto my front lawn. "Luz is missing. We were training at the knee, but she must've wandered off. I was hoping she was with you."

"How long has she been gone?" I asked, a little frightened.

"I haven't seen her in around 3 hours. I spent most of that time looking around the knee until I decided that she must be with her friends, ditching me," Eda said, with a layer of sadness is her voice.

"Luz isn't the type to ditch her friends. Something must be wrong," Gus said, glancing between me and Eda.

"Yeah, but the problem is we have no idea where she could-," I began, but I was cut off by my scroll. I opened it to see a text message from Emira, who I haven't talked with in forever.

"What's it say?" Gus asked, looking over my shoulder.

"It's Emira. She says Amity is missing too, and they can't find her anywhere," I answered, now genuinely concerned for what those two got themselves into. I texted a response saying that I haven't seen Amity, and that Luz is missing, too.

"Alright, well I guess I'm back to looking around for my kid. Thanks for the help," Eda said, waving and hopping back on her staff.

"Wait! We can help you look," Gus said.

"Alright then. Look around town, I am going to check back at the house and then go back to the knee," Eda spoke as she flew off.

"I hope Luz is okay..." I said to Gus.

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