Fixing Problems and Reaching Conclusions

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Alright so as much as I hate leaving things unfinished, I'm starting to lose motivation with this story. It'e mostly because I hate the first few chapters and how they were written, but eh. I'm going to try and finish this but I have so much more planned and thats at least 100000 words worth of writting i had planned. If I end up not managing to finish, Ill tell you what was going to happen I promise but I really am going to try and finish this story. 

~~~~The Owl House~~~~

The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and Hooty was still asleep. Nothing could've ruined this perfect morning for the residents of the Owl House. Absolutely nothing.


Well, I guess something could.

And that something was Boscha franticly opening and closing cabinets with an equally frantic looking Emira right next to her.

The first people to make it to the kitchen were Luz and Hunter, mainly because they were both awake on this fine Saturday. They were still staying as far apart as possible from each other as possible, but didn't give each other death stares anymore. They both wanted to have a conversation about multiple important things without it escalating, but neither knew how.

And so they skidded into the kitchen, Hunter hitting his side on a wall and Luz colliding with the table, making an 'oof' sound.

"Boscha! What's wrong?" Luz said, eyes filled with worry and surprise at the sudden scream.

"Oh, good, you two. You guys are probably good at hunting or something, right?" Boscha asked after quickly checking who crashed into the kitchen before continuing to look through cabinets.

"Wha- Why? First of all, that feels offensive. Second, why would we need too?" Luz said, peeling herself off the table and folding her arms. Her tail softly swished behind her.

Em opened the fridge, then closed it, then opened it, then closed it again before taking a deep breath and turning to look at them.

"Because we... are out of food."

It was then that Eda made it to the bottom step, and heard that sentence.

"Yeah, I know. All of the rest of the food I got from the market went into yesterday's dinner," She said, yawning.

"Why didn't you say something?" Boscha said, dragging her hands down her face.

"It has been a tiring week! Give me a break," Eda said, crossing her arms.

"How did we spend all of the money this fast?" Luz asked, throwing her arms in the air.

"You try taking care of-," Eda started to say, before stopping. She used her fingers to count. "Eight kids! See how many snails you spend."

A flash of something was in Luz's eyes, but it was gone as quickly as it came.

"We'll figure something out to make money," Eda said, shrugging. She left the room, going into the living room and joining Lilith on the couch.

Boscha grumbled about starving to death before taking out her scroll and calling someone. She went down the hall to the room she and Skara shared.

Em sighed as she walked back up the stairs to her and Ed's room.

Hunter grimaced but stayed at his spot by the wall. He needed to prove that he was worth keeping here. If they were running out of food, they'll see that he's not worth it and kick him out.

And so, following the toxic thoughts, he went to the front door and almost left the house before Eda called out to him.

"Hang on, Blondie. You're not going out like that." She gestured to him, moving her hand up and down.

A Witch and a Wolf (Lumity Werewolf AU)Where stories live. Discover now