Why Her?

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I'm so thankful for the people that actually read my writing. As always, I am sorry for my terrible Spanish. Also some gore, but it really ain't that bad. Just some blood.


I woke up back in the same dark room. I slowly got up and approached the single light spell that illuminated nothing.

'Let's get this over with.'

Before I could reach it, a very familiar sharp pain in my side erupted. I continued my muffled screams, only this time something was different. When I removed my hands from my side, they were stained with blood.


I heard my siblings, but that didn't matter. I had blood on my hands. My blood.


I looked at my side. It was covered in blood from on entry point, almost like a small hole.


I bolted awake. I could feel the sweat drip down from my forehead as I looked around my room. Both of my siblings were sitting on my bed with concern in their faces.

"Amity, you have to tell us what this nightmare is. You never told us before, but this is the worst case. What happens in the nightmare?" Em said, pulling me into a hug. I was confused at first until I felt tears roll down my cheeks.

'I was crying?'

"I-I," I stuttered, my voice cracking. I could feel my ears drop down as I relaxed into the embrace.

"It's ok, take your time," Ed said, wrapping his arms around us.

I tried to stay as composed as possible, but I eventually caved.

"I-I sit in a dark room-m and-and there's this light-t-t spell," I heaved between shaky breaths and sobs.

"It's alright. You're safe here. Take your time to calm down, Mittens," Em said, rubbing circles on my back.

We sat there on my bed for what felt like hours. My sobs became less frequent, and that's when I started talking.

"So I-I sit in this dark room, and there is a single-e light spell. I start to approach it-t and then I feel overwhelming-g-g pain. That's what normally happens." As I talked I pulled away from their arms to look at them. Their expressions were hard to read.

"That's what usually happens?" Emira asked. There was a level of concern in her voice that I couldn't describe, but both her and Edric's ears were completely down, showing immense concern.

"Yeah. But this time was different..." I started to trail away from the conversation. Did I want to tell them? I know I can trust them, but it seems so... insignificant.

"Mittens, you can tell us. We're here to help, no matter how much we-," Edric began with comforting words, but Em elbowed him when he started his second part. He chuckled for a few seconds.

"Not. Helping," Em said, directing her attention at Ed for a second before looking back at me. "You can tell us, Amity."

Alright. Here it goes.

"This time there was blood coming out of my side. Like I was stabbed or something," I said while avoiding her gaze. I knew it would be filled with nothing but worry.

"Amity..." Edric said, his snickering from earlier dying down.

"It's just a dream. It's not real. I'll be fine," I said, looking over at my alarm clock.

1:37 AM

Great. It's now officially Tuesday and I'm gonna barely get enough sleep. Fantastic.

"I'm gonna go back to sleep. I'm fine, really." I gave them the best reassuring smile I could muster before turning around.

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