Fearless Champion

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A warning, there are mild season 2 episode 6 spoilers in this chapter. As always, sorry for my Spanish.


Tomorrow is Friday. It would be a normal day, but they are announcing the grom queen tomorrow.


'How am I going to ask Luz? I could just ask her, but what if she says no? What if she hates me and I lose her as a friend? Should I take that risk?'

My mind started to race through all of the possible outcomes. I looked over at my bed to my slitherbeast plushie and smiled.

'She isn't the type of person to do that. She wouldn't cut someone off because of how they feel.'

I continued to think about ways to ask her, eventually settling on writing a note. I glanced over at my clock to see how much time I had.

10:47 PM

Not terrible. If I write the note right now, I could still get enough sleep for tomorrow.

"Luz, will you go to grom with me? -Amity..." I mumbled as I wrote, folding the note once I finished and placing it on my books for later. That's when my door opened.

"Heyyyy, Mittens~" Emira said with an exaggerated sigh. I also sighed and turned around to look at her. She was leaning on my door frame. The strange thing was that Ed was no where in sight.

"Where's Ed?" I asked, tilting my head and raising an eyebrow. Most of their pranks start like this. One of them distracts me while the other sets up the trap.

"Ok so I know this looks bad, but I'm here for something other than teasing you..." She mumbled, lowering her head.

"Oh really? And what would that be?" I asked. I find it really hard to believe that she is here for something else.

"I need... advice..." She muttered while sitting down on my bed. Her expression was one of deep thought, so I softened my own look. She was serious.

"About what?" I questioned in a softer, calmer tone. She actually needed help, and I wasn't going to turn her away. No matter how much they annoy me, the twins are always there for me, so I'll do the same.

"Well, this is my last year at Hexside, and grom is coming up. So I think... I might actually ask her," She finished her sentence and looked up at me to read my response. I knew that Em has had a crush on Viney for forever, but I didn't think she'd ever act on it.

"Are you serious? You're going to finally ask her?!" I whisper yelled, careful not to awake the probably sleeping Edric in the next room.

"Yeah! I just don't know how..." She trailed off, looking around my room before her eyes landed on the note on top of my books. "Are you asking someone too?"


'I shouldn't lie. She came to me with sensitive information, so I'll tell her the truth.'

"Yeah, I guess I am," I told her, grabbing the note so that she couldn't.

"Oooooo, who is it? Is it the person that gave you the plushie?" She asked, picking up said plushie that was next to her. I felt my face heat up, so I turned around and put my head down onto my desk to hide it. But it was too late.

"Ohhhh, it is~ who is it, Mittens~ promise I won't tell Ed," She said. I looked up at her to see her with one hand on her heart and the other in the air.

"That's a lie. You two share everything," I told her. She pretended to look shocked and hurt, lowering her hand.

"I am hurt that you think I would ever do that. I told you that I was asking Viney out, didn't I?" She told me, wriggling her eyebrows up and down.

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