An Uncontrollable Adventure

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Like I said, I am hopping between 3rd person and first person for the next few chapters, so bare with me. Also, I do not speak Spanish, so if there is any grammatical errors, I'm sorry.

~~~~The Next Day, Monday~~~~

I awoke with a searing pain that I can only describe as the feeling of my skin being ripped apart. I sat up and began to scream. "ARGHHHH." But when I tried to stand up, I felt my body contort to force me back on my hands and feet. My vision was starting to blur, but I crawled over to the large mirror in my room to see myself as a wolf, maybe 3.5 feet tall (106.7 centimeters). I had brown fur the shade of my skin, with a white chest and underbelly. I panicked briefly before blacking out. The last thought I had before losing control was the feeling of needing to leave and go somewhere familiar. Someone familiar. My mind went to the witch that occupied my thoughts last night, Amity Blight.


Mornings. I wasn't a morning person. And I hated the fact that Luz was. She was always up early in the morning to train or go for walks, but today she slept in. It was around 9 am when I heard her scream. "ARGHHHH."

"Luz, are you ok?! What happened?!" I frantically screamed. No response. That's when I decided I needed to check on her right away.

Bolting up the stairs, I kicked the door to Luz's room open, only to be meet by a broken window and small drips of blood that I assumed was from the window shards. "Oh kid, what did you get yourself into?"


I sat half awake in my abominations class. I couldn't get any sleep last night, because my mind kept going back to the human I had met in the library. She seemed like she wanted to say something, but Emira cut her off. What was she going to say? "Amity?" I heard the teacher ask, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, what?" I replied in my best 'I totally got the full recommended 8 hours of sleep' voice.

"I said, can you tell me what is the first rule when forming an abomination?"

"Oh, it's always make sure that you don't give your abomination to much willpower," I said, although I could tell through my voice that I wasn't at 100 percent, and everyone could probably see it.

"Correct, but please, try to pay more attention next time," the teacher huffed.

"Of course, sir," my reply felt cold, like I had no heart in my words. The teacher seemed like he was about to comment about it, but the bell screamed before he could.

"Alright, that's the bell. Remember, your abomination projects are due in two weeks," the teacher said, but none of the students were listening as they huddled through the door like zombies. Nobody likes mornings in Hexside, I guess.

Outside the class, I met up with Boscha and Skara. As I approached, I listened in on what they were talking about.

"She was so rude, honestly," I heard Boscha say. "I was just giving Willow pointers on how to play grudgby, and she told me to bug off. I mean, who does that?!"

"Wow, she does sound mean," Skara replied.

"Hey, who are you guys talking about?" I asked, although I felt like I already knew the answer.

"The new human in the boiling isles. I met her yesterday. She was not the nicest person," Boscha grumbled.

"I know. You told me yesterday," I said, although it looked like Boscha changed her story. "I thought you said that you weren't even talking to Willow when the human said that?"

"Oh! I- well I -I talked with her today as well! She was talking with Willow when I came over," Boscha stuttered. I could tell she wasn't telling me the truth, but I shook it off. It's Boscha, and it's best not to make her mad. Especially since it's grudgby season.

A Witch and a Wolf (Lumity Werewolf AU)Where stories live. Discover now