The Final Straw

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So, I thought about the beginning line up before the start of chapter 1. I'm going to do some clarification.

Luz, Eda, and King are still extremely close. I'm changing it to where Luz has been on the isles for 2 months, which would be enough time for them to truly bond.

Luz decided to instead be more careful about what she choose to do when she got here, which explains why she had no other connections to other witches. She's older in this fic, and thus more matured.

This also explains why she decided to immediately make some friends after the bite, since the wolf makes her reckless.

Sorry, I just wanted to make sure that was clarified.


I have been blessed with a dreamless sleep. Maybe that's because it was magic exhaustion that made me pass out, but it was still a beautiful thing.

I felt terrible as I pulled myself out of sleep. In more ways than one.

From the look of it, I was on the living room couch. It was dark out, and there was no one else down here except for a softly snoring Hooty.

Viney must've casted sleeping spells on the two bound 'prisoners'. I can't really think of Eda as a prisoner in her own house. They both had rope around them, reinforced as well.

I raised a hand to my head, pushing myself upright on the cushions. I squinted, trying to let my eyes adjust to the dark.

There was a figure, outside the window. They were sitting in the grass, looking up at the stars. Deciding that seemed much more interesting then staying on the couch, I stood up and very carefully opened the door.

It was Luz. She was in her pajamas now, with her tail to the side and ears flopped in mismatched directions as her eyes remained transfixed on the stars.

Her ear twitched when I closed the door, and she turned her head towards me. Upset with myself that I broke the peace, I tried to apologize.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't-," I spoke in a quiet whisper, and almost began to turn around when she spoke.

"Hey, Amity."

It was so quiet, and so unbelievably soft, that the wind could've blown only slightly harder and you would miss what she was saying.

She turned back to the stars.

"The stars here are so much brighter."

It didn't take a genius to figure out what she was talking about.

I remained silent, standing there as if I was an intruder.

"I used to stargaze all the time. With my mom."


Luz almost never talks about her mom. Or the human realm. I never questioned it.

"We'd lay down in the grass after a long day, and just look at the stars. Maybe she just got home, maybe she left for work in 20 minutes. It was our thing."

And now there were tears in her eyes, just brimming her brown irises, and it felt like I was stealing what should've been such a personal moment. I still remained silent, stock still as if I was frozen in place.

She had a watery smile when she turned to look at me again. She patted the space next to her, and the tension left my shoulders as I received an invite into this moment. It was as if I regained control, and walked forwards. Luz kept her eyes on me the entire time until I was laying next to her in the grass.

There was barely any space between us, and Luz moved ever so slightly closer so that our shoulders were touching.

"We used to pick out the constellations. Or we'd make our own. Mom always said I had the best imagination for that kind of thing."

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