Where Secrets Collide

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What is up guys! Alright, so I am thinking about writing a oneshot book full of requests, so if you have any, comment them here and I'll eventually post the book with a few of the stories.

Also, I'm going to thank one reader for commenting on almost all of the chapters and giving me the motivation to finish this chapter early and make it this long. You know who you are, and if you want me to credit you, I will. (Comments give me life force)

And now, I present the longest chapter I have ever written.

15.2 Hours Left

The feeling of time travel is weird. That's the only way I can think of to describe it with one word.

It felt like pins and needles, but almost alive, like fire warping your skin. But it doesn't hurt.

See? Hard to explain.

When the blinding white light ended, what I didn't expect to see was to still be in the owl house. I looked over at the owl lady to see if she did the spell wrong, but she wasn't there.

"Uh oh." I said. There was a loud crash noise followed by King entering the room.

"Halt intruder! What business do you have with the king of demons! Also, how did you get past Hooty?!" The furball yelled. I ignored him for a moment and looked at the clock on the wall.

5:29 PM

That time didn't help at all, as I knew nothing about the timeline of that days event. I don't even know if I landed at the correct day.

"What day is it?" I asked King.

"Wha- it's Tuesday, why?" He said, tilting his head. He seemed to completely forget I was a stranger in this time and I chuckled a little at the thought.

"Where are Luz and the Owl Lady?" I asked, trying to sound as calm as possible, as to not give away the fact that I could be stranded in time.

"They went to the- waitttt why would I tell you?! For all I know you're some assassin trying to kill them!" He screamed. That seemed to awaken the house as the door slammed open and Hooty wormed his way in.

"Assassins?! Where?!" He screamed, running into both King and me and knocking us to the ground.

"Ow! What the-,"


King and I tumbled into the furniture, with King in my lap.

"WHERES THE- oh hey mean spirited red head," Hooty said.

Both King and I stayed dumbstruck, for two different reasons.


"You know her?!"

King and I both yelled different questions at Hooty, and he recoiled before responding.

"I am never truly here. I am an amalgamation of those who came before and after. I transcend space and ti-," He started before King cut him off.

"Yeah, yeah. I've heard this all before. 'A never ending tube of infinite wisdom.' Cut the crap. How do you know her?"

I just sat, dumbfounded at this new revelation before Hooty explained.

"I met her. She came over when Luz was about to transform under the full moon, but that hasn't happened yet. She's from when Luz suffers a fatal injury and she and Eda travel back in time to try and save her." I cringed more and more as he went on with his explanation. Glancing over at King, I saw the most confused yet understanding face staring off into the abyss.

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