Broken Family, Broken Friendships

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Sorry for any Spanish grammar errors.


I. Feel. Like. Crap. I laid in my bed, the conversation I had with my mom once I got home still fresh in my head.

"Amity Blight! Where have you been?! You can't just run off like that, you had us worried sick!" My mom yelled.

"I know that's a lie, mom..." I muttered under my breath. I didn't say it loud enough for my mom to hear, but my siblings behind me heard. They were both looking at me, terror in their eyes at what I had just said.

"What was that, young lady?!" Mom screamed.

"I said, I know that's a lie, MOM!" I yelled. I knew I had just crossed so many boarders. Mom always said to never talk back, always call her mother, and never yell. I just broke 3 rules at once.

"What did you just say to me..." She said, not even wavering, like she had expected this.

"You heard me! If you cared, you would have been out there with Ed and Em! But no, you were more worried about your stupid shows then to care about your own daughter!" I screamed. I knew I had already dug my own grave, but at this point I was livid.

"Sorry, mother. She just got back from her dangerous adventure and drained her magic. She must not be feeling well," Edric said as he moved to stand in front of me. He sad the last sentence while looking at me, begging me to stop.

"Yeah we're sorry mother. We'll make sure she gets some rest," Emira said, moving so that she was standing next to Edric.

"Very well. Amity, we will have this conversation in the morning before school. When you have a more level head," Mom said, nodding at Ed and Em. I said nothing as my siblings dragged me upstairs and into my room.

"Amity, what the hell was that?!" Emira, whisper yelled at me, causing me to flinch.

"I''m tired, ok! Tired of the rules, the expectations, the consequences!" I told her. I was telling the truth, I hated every minute of it.

"Mittens, we get it. Believe me, we do. But you can't just explode on mom like that. Don't you remember the last time?" Edric asked. I did remember the last time I yelled at mom. It wasn't a night I liked to remember.

"I do, and I'm sorry. Maybe I will be better if I get some sleep," I suggested, looking over at my clock.

12:36 AM

"Ok, that sounds good. We do have school tomorrow. Don't hesitate to wake me or Ed up if something is wrong, ok?" Emira said, gesturing for Edric to walk out of the room.

"Ok, thank you," I said, turning around in my bed.

Now I was awake and would have to talk to mom. I glanced over at my clock to make sure I wouldn't be late.

7:00 Am

Ok, that's good. I could talk to mom and get ready for school in time. I struggled to get out of bed and make it to my wardrobe. 'I must've suffered a more severe reaction from the drain' I thought. I looked through my dresser and grabbed my school uniform and hastily put it on. I walked over to my door and opened it, hearing a light conversation from down the hall.

"I don't know what happened to that wolf. It just was laying there next to Mittens when we got there." That was Edric. Why were they taking about Aster?

"Yeah. Although she did say something about the wolf saving her." Emira. Who were they talking to?

"Interesting. Do you know exactly what Amity went through?" So they were talking to dad. Well, at least it wasn't mom.

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