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Sungjin's POV

Wonpil had been gone for a while, therefore I decided to go check on him. It's been more then 30 minutes, so somethings not right. 

"Wonpil?" I called out to him as I knocked on the door. He never responded so I opened the door. My jaw dropped at the sight before me. It was Wonpil lying on the floor unconscious. "Wonpil!" I then dropped to my knees, and began shaking him, in an attempt to wake him up. After a few moments his eyes slowly open. "Wonpil." I whispered. "Do you need anything?" After a he blinked a few times, his eyes met mine. 

"Sungjin? What happened?" He whispered as he slowly sat up.

"You were gone for 30 minutes, so I came to check on you. When I found you, you were out cold." Wonpil nodded. 

"I felt dizzy, so I came in here. Next thing I know you're waking me up." I feel myself grow more, and more worried. 

"Do you feel sick?" I asked as I studied his expressions. All he did was give me a weak smile. 

"I'm fine, Sungjin. I just got too dizzy. I'll be ok." He said as he started to sit up. 

Wonpil's POV 

I can't tell him that I'm sick. He can't know just yet. I don't want him to know, unless I am dying. I've had this tumor for a long time, and I've gotten this far without telling him. Maybe the surgery that I'm going to have will put an end to my worrying. I was sitting up, but suddenly my body was lifted off the ground. Sungjin had picked me up bridleway. My arms lightly wrapped around his neck as I gave  him a confused look. 

"You're staying at my place tonight. I want to keep an eye on you." I then felt my heart race a little. He looked so worried about me, which only made me love him more. 

"You don't have to. I'm fine, Sungjin." I said softly. 

"I want to. You're my friend. You're important to me. If somethings wrong, then your health comes first." Please stop Sungjin. You're making me fall in love with you all over again. Sungjin then took me to his car, and put me in the passenger seat. "Sit here while I go grab our things. Then we'll head to my place." He said, before closing the door. All I could manage was a smile as I watched him walk away. 

"Why did I have to fall in love with you? Why couldn't I be straight? You were the one who made me realize that I'm pansexual. You changed me, Sungjin. You stole my heart, and never gave it back. Then continued to love someone else. I want to tell you about my brain tumor, but I would just worry you. I hate seeing you worried about me. I want you to be happy, but it hurts knowing you'll never be happy with me." I ranted to myself. I'm doing it to get it off my chest. All the things I want to tell him, but will never be able to do so. 

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this! Leave me a comment to let me know how I am doing! Stay strong my beautiful readers, keep dreaming, I love you all, and I will update soon.-Coolcat51

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