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Jae's POV

My eyes opened slowly, but quickly shut, due to the amount of light. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust, before I saw Young K and Dowoon sitting next to my bed.

"Brain? Dowoon?" I said weakly. My voice was horse and my throat was very dry. "What happened?"

"Jade drugged you. She had planned on leaving with you, but between us and the cops, she had no chance of getting away." My heartbeat the started to race.

"What about Shay? Is she ok?" They both gave me sad looks, which cause my heart to drop. "She's not dead. Please tell me she's not dead." I pleaded as tears filled my eyes.

"She and Wonpil are in critical condition. Right now it's not looking so good for either of them." Tears then fell from my eyes.

"I can't loose her." I whimpered. "Not after everything we've been through. We were so close to finally being together, and now there's a chance I'll loose her forever." I then got up, and unhooked all the IVs, and anything else that was hooked up to me.

"What are you doing!?" Dowoon exclaimed.

"I have to see her." I said as I got up, and walked out. I then walked up to the service desk.

"Jae stop! You aren't thinking straight!" Young K begged.

"I need to see Shay Lee please." I said to the nurse.

"You can't sir. She's in a restricted area at the time." I then growled.

"I need to see her!" I yelled, before I felt an arm over my shoulders. I then looked over to see Sungjin with tear stained cheeks.

"I know how you feel hyung. But we have to stay strong for them, so when they recover we can be there for them." He said weakly. Clearly he was as broken as I am, but he's not showing it. I then clasped into his arms, where we both cried our hearts out.

"I can't loose her." Sungjin then rubbed my back softly.

"I know how you feel. But we can push through this. We have to believe that everything will be ok."

Sami's POV

It's hard to sit outside while they operate on my best friend and sister. Wonpil took the hit for me, and if we would have been a little sooner, then they wouldn't have to be operating on my sister. I feel the hot tears stream down my face as I drown in my own guilt.

"Why? Why is it always the people I love? The people I'm closest to, that get hurt. It's not fair." I cried, before I felt arms wrap around me.

"It's not your fault Sami." I heard Taemin whisper.

"Everyone I love either gets hurt or leaves me. I just want to be happy, and the ones I love to be safe." He rubbed my back as I cried. "I never wanted this to happen. Things can't end here."

"This isn't the end. If your friends are as strong as you say that are, then they will pull through."


I was crying in the hospital bed. I was so scared of what my foster mother was going to say. Such a religious woman, would hate me for what has happened. Shay then crawled into the bed with me, and wrapped her arm around my shoulders.

"I'm so scared Shay." I muttered.

"It's going to be ok. I'm here for you." She whispered softly as I cried.

"How am I going to be a mother, Shay?" She then sighed softly.

"You don't have to. You can give the baby up for adoption."

"What will my foster mother say? She'll throw me out." I whimpered. Shay then laid her head on top of mine.

"No she won't. You were raped. I'll talk to her about it. You just focus on healing." She didn't lie to me. My foster mother didn't throw me out, because Shay talked to her. Shay helped me through the pregnancy, the birth, and giving the baby up. I was only 16, therefore I had no way to raise a child.

Flashback end

I smiled to myself at the memory. She's always been there for me, and now it's my turn to be here for her. I just want her to wake up. That's all I want. I want her to live, but while she's in the hospital, I'm going to make sure to put an end to our worries. It's time to stop running.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this! Leave me a comment to let me know how I am doing! Stay strong my beautiful readers, keep dreaming, I love you all, and I will update soon.-Coolcat51

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