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Hope: I just took a hot steamy shower it felt good. But I can't stop thinking about Josie I think me and Josie have an connection to each other because I've never felt like this.
H: hey jos can we talk?
Jos: anytime.
H: so, I don't know if it's a big deal but it seems like you and I have a connection.
Jos: yeah... I can see that too.
H: *face gets red
Jos: wait are you ok?
H: uh oh..
Jos: wait your blushing... at me? *jos says surprised
H: done act so surprised....
Jos: I have to a little bit.
H: so are we gonna set up the campfire.
Jos: yeah.., I got the marshmallows and everything let's go.
Hope POV: I'm gonna act like I never blushed at Josie saltzman at all.

Lizzie POV: dad, do I really have to go to the campfire with hoe mikaelson?

Alaric: Lizzie stop. Don't call hope that bad word

Lizzie POV: dad she deserves it, she called me witch bipolar.

Alaric: honey, that was a long time ago.

Lizzie POV: I don't care dad I never knew I thought she was my friend.... or well we were becoming

Alaric: Emma would be coming with you guys so just stay close by her.

Lizzie: *groans fine.

Later at campfire

*Lizzie shows up*

Jos: hey Liz

Lizzie: hey jo...
Jos: you ok?
Lizzie: I just wanna get this over with
Jos: my pleasure I'm gonna go get you some marshmallows.
Hope: so how many fire wood should I get Jos?
Jos: it doesn't matter really just enough that would work obviously.
Hope: *sighs ok.

Josie POV: everything was going well but seeing Lizzie angry and upset makes me feel so bad. But I've always felt like a third wheel my whole life with Lizzie I need to have some time with hope myself.

Hope: hey Emma hey Lizzie!

Emma: hey hope!

Lizzie: *rolls her eyes*

Hope: *sighs.

Hope: Liz can I talk to you for a sec?
Liz: no.
Hope: please,
Liz: why are you so annoying can you just go annoy Josie or something instead of me
Hope: I'm not being annoying, the only thing annoying here is ur rudeness.
Emma: girls stop.
Liz: *stands up does a spell with the fire and almost lands on hope until Josie showed up and stopped it
Jos: hey Lizzie, stop!
Hope: you just messed with the wrong person Lizzie saltzman.
Lizzie: I think I messed with the right person *smirks and walks away*
Jos: I'm so sorry, hope.
Hope: she almost killed me, but she knows I'll just turn into a tribrid.
Jos: I don't think she was being sincere.
Hope: hey Josie.
Josie: yeah?
Hope: I'm glad your here.
Josie: oh.. you are?
Hope: yeah well, if it weren't for you then I probably would've hurt Lizzie.
Josie: well my sister is a hole of pain.
Hope: I think we all know that *laughs
Josie: *laughs*

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