Getaway car

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Hope POV: I couldn't sleep I kept twisting and turning in my bed, if I go to New Orleans I lose Lizzie forever but if I go with Lizzie to university I lose my time with my aunt freya and aunt Rebekah. *sighs why does my life always have to be with this I started shredding tears.

Next day.

Josie: hey Liz.
Lizzie: hey jo...
Josie: you ok?
Lizzie: rough patch between me and hope
Josie: oh no, can I do anything to help?
Lizzie: actually yes, I asked hope to make a decision me or New Orleans.
Josie: wow, but what can I do about that?
Lizzie: If hope made her decision and chose me I want it to be special with a getaway car by the river and sunset roses,flowers, and with are suit cases

Josie: omg Lizzie that is so romantic
Lizzie: *smiles so will you help?
Josie: of course I will!
Lizzie POV: I ran into josie's arm

Lizzie: ugh I love you!
Josie: I love you too!

Later on that day

Josie POV: me and Lizzie were setting up the whole getaway plan, then Landon texted me and needed me at the cafe.

Josie: is this good enough?
Lizzie: it's perfect!
Josie: I have to go meet up with Landon
Lizzie: go get your mans girl

Josie: *giggles that's cringy Lizzie
Lizzie: perks of me
Josie: *smiles call me and tell me what hope chose
Lizzie: ok!

Hope POV: I decided to take a train to New Orleans quick to talk to my aunt freya, I didn't know what to decide I needed her advice and see if it would be ok if I can go with Lizzie... if not then I have to leave her forever...

—— lNew Orleans—-

Hope POV: New Orleans looked the same as it use to happy, cheerful, dancing. I need to find my aunt freya so I called her until I saw her at the bar

Hope: hey aunt freya!

Aunt freya: hope!

Hope POV: she ran to me and gave me a quick hug

Freya: I'm so happy to see you
Hope: me too, me to I came here to ask you a question
Freya: yeah anything!

Hope: I've always wanted to rule New Orleans with you, and your half of the family I have left but I'm dating someone

Freya: yeah Landon I know
Hope: no, not Landon. Lizzie saltzman

Freya: oh uh

Hope POV: I could see my aunt freya shocked she knew I was bi but she didn't know out of all girls Lizzie saltzman

Freya: wow I wasn't expecting that
Hope: *giggles I wanna be with her...
Freya: you don't need my permission hope, you know how I feel about sexuality's
Hope: no but I wanna spend my life with her...
Freya: oh.
Hope: yeah... please don't be upset, how much I wanted to rule New Orleans she makes me happy and happiness is better over ruling.

Freya: hope listen. Your dad left you this legacy...
Hope: I know I know.
Freya: however if you wanna be with Lizzie saltzman forever I think you should choose your happiness after collage I can get you a house in New Orleans where you and Lizzie can stay and rule

Hope: omg really?
Freya: anything niece

Hope POV: I was burst out with happiness I ran to my aunt freya and hugged her so tight

Hope: I love you I love you
Aunt freya: love you to niece I'll see you again!
Hope: I have to go run back to mystic falls Lizzie is waiting for me!!
Freya: hurry to get back to her ! *smiles
Hope POV: I will!!

Lizzie POV: I've been sitting in the getaway car for an hour waiting, I was anxious and scared until I hear hope screaming wait, I got out the car quick

Hope POV: I jumped hugged lizzie. And kissed her as passionately as I can

Lizzie POV: I started to tear up as soon as she hugged me I knew she chose me.

Hope: lizzie saltzman, I will be your side as a partner lover, and stay with you forever.

Lizzie: hope mikaelson, I love you

Hope: I love you too

Lizzie POV: I grabbed hope's hand a put her softly in the getaway car

Lizzie: you ready to ride off in the sunset
Hope: always with you.
Lizzie: *smiles.

Thank you so much, for reading this fan fic this is my second ever fan fiction, hopefully you enjoyed I have so many fan fictions coming in the future also if your wondering what happened after collage

Hope and Lizzie, moved to New Orleans got married it was kinda similar to keelins and freya's but it was indoor.

Josie and Landon got married and had kids. A girl and a boy, the boy was named alex and the girl was named hopey. Josie named hopey out of a joke that her and hope made.

Like I said thank you so much for reading I have so much other fan fictions that are planned! (:

See you soon!

Getaway carWhere stories live. Discover now