Deja vu

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Lizzie: how long have we been watching Romeo Juliet and eating ice cream, and cuddling hope?
Hope: *giggles about 2 hours
Lizzie: this is nice, well your comfort
Hope: yeah, I did this with Josie, kinda getting deja vu
Lizzie: about Josie, are you guys still?
Hope: can we not talk about that please
Lizzie: yeah sorry.
Hope: we broke your hurt Lizzie, I'm here to fix it
Lizzie: *smiles*

Lizzie POV: hope has been very great to me these past days. I think are friendship is Developing to friends to actual best friends I just feel happy now. No more therapy episodes anger.

Hours later

Hope POV; I woke up sleeping on Lizzie, and confused about what time it was I grabbed my phone and it was 9:00 I got up quick, while shouting

Hope: "school is about to start in 15 minutes!!
Lizzie: omg *scratches head*

Few minutes later

Hope POV: me and Lizzie were walking in the hallway until I saw Josie.

Hope: Lizzie you can go to your classes I'll see you later
Lizzie: yeah sure

Hope: hey jo...
Josie: thought you said you needed a break...
Hope: yeah, I just came to ask you if you fixed things with Landon?
Josie: yeah, I have to go so see you *walks away*

After school

Hope: hey liz
Lizzie: hey hope, you ready to watch kissing booth?
Hope: ugh I hate that movie.
Lizzie: well that's my favorite movie we watched Romeo and Juliet your favorite
Hope: *sighs rolls eyes* fine
Lizzie: also, I wanna make it up to Josie.
Hope: really?
Lizzie: yeah, I was thinking she could watch a movie with us?
Hope: oh that sounds great
Lizzie: I don't know where she is, so I was wondering if you would know because you guys are?
Hope: yeah yeah, I can go see
Lizzie: thanks!

Back to jo and Landon on their date.

Jo POV: I was putting up the chemistry spell for me and Landon.

Jo: I did this with hope by the way, I'm kinda getting deja vu
Landon: I did it with hope too.
Jo: me and hope had a lot of chemistry in this by the way. I want us to have way more
Landon: *smiles* let's get to it

Josie: wow this is so strong
Landon: Yeah, I'm feeling a light weight
Josie: yeah...
Landon: wait kiss me
Josie: wha-
Landon: kiss me
Josie: *smiles*

Josie pov: I walked up to landon and he grabbed my face we both looked into each other eyes and of course it was romantic it was in the woods, with are outdoor tv, and we both leaned in and we kissed it felt so magical especially with the chemistry spell.

Hope POV: I went to go find Landon and Josie, then I saw them kissing in the woods I couldn't believe what I saw I started to cry, while tears rolled down my eyes, i didn't know what to do so I just walked away.. I ran back to the school.

Liz: hey where is Josie?
Hope: I have to go, I can't be your comfort guide anymore.
Lizzie: what no
Hope: I'm sorry.

Hope POV: I began to grab my bags

Lizzie: if your gonna go fine I'm not gonna watch you.

Lizzie POV: I started to tear up while about to leave my room.

Hope POV: I saw Lizzie look very sincere upset. I started to feel really bad and feel things I shouldn't while she was about to shut the door I grabbed her and kissed her are lips met.

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