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Josie POV: I woke aside hope she was sleeping peacefully I couldn't stop thinking about what happened to Lizzie, did I really just have sex with hope mikaelson after she broke my sisters arm... I started to feel a little guilty I said I wouldn't hurt Landon and I did... this was a mistake I rushed out of the room and went to the shower.

Later on that day

Hope POV: I looked at the side of my bed and i didn't see Josie, why did she just bail after we slept together? I was all confused I got up and put my clothes on I saw Lizzie in her room with mg, mg was giving Lizzie his blood I kinda felt bad but Lizzie was coming at me so she had it coming.

Lizzie POV: thank you mg, my arm feels better
Mg: you asked I come, Lizzie saltzman you did not deserve this
Lizzie: I did I kept leading her on I just wanted to be tough I guess
Mg: you are tough, your like one of the most badass witch I've ever seen
Lizzie: *smiles thanks mg
Mg: also... I was thinking if we could go out some time
Lizzie: oh uh really?
Mg: yeah..
Lizzie: I will see, but you better not make me watch superhero movies
Mg: *chuckles don't worry I'm not planning on watching a movie with you, I wanna take you on an actual date you deserve Lizzie saltzman

Lizzie POV: I started blushing mg made me feel loved and cared for I think I might need a good guy for right now

Hope POV: I saw Josie I wanted to ask her why she left.

Hope: hey jo you ok?
Josie: why wouldn't I be?
Hope: nothing, just asking
Josie: so are you hungry?
Hope: I'm fine
Josie: u sure?
Hope: I'm fine, jo.
Josie: I need to talk to you
Hope: so talk
Josie: last night felt like a mistake we rushed it.
Hope: jo I asked you you said yes
Josie: I know, I know it's just.
Hope: *walks away*

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