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Josie POV: I'm still listening to music in the car while drinking my slushee until it started raining and I saw the windows get very wet.

Hope POV: hey jo, can I borrow your air pods? Yeah of course! *josie gives hope the AirPods but for some reason I couldn't replace my hand from her's I looked up and looked into her eyes.

Hope POV: uh b


Josie: no problem. *josie sighs

Lizzie POV: the rest of the car ride was so boring but then me and hope started having conversations

Mg: so dr saltzman how long do we have to get there now?

Kaleb: yeah, are we there yet

Alaric: slow down we still have 2 hours to go.

Emma,kaleb,mg,Lizzie,hope sighed*

Josie POV: I was the only one who didn't sigh I really thought this whole car ride cabinet thing would be fun, but considering I only went because hope was going and she is not really bothered with me makes me really sad.

2 hours later

Alaric POV: we made it kiddos wake up.

Hope: finally. *gets out of the car with Lizzie

Josie: *gets up grabs to bags*

Alaric saltzman: *thank you sweetie can you pack the bags in everyone's  room for me?

Josie: sure dad.

Josie POV: I was always one to help, I've always liked to help people.

Hope: *walks up to Josie, hey jo here is your air pods I'm gonna go pack up my dorm.

Josie POV: thanks, uh so do you know who you are sharing with

Hope: well I think it's either Lizzie, or just kaleb or mg.

Josie pov: um ok. She didn't put me in that sentence which means my dad already found me a room buddy I'll go up to him and ask him later.

Later on that day

Josie POV: it stoped raining now I should go speak to my dad. Dad? Alaric: yes sweetie, who am I sharing a room with? Alaric: your sister of course, oh ok... I was sharing a room with Lizzie well I didn't see that coming but I really want to share a room with up, so I have to do something... maybe drive a wedge between Lizzie and hope to hide my crush for hope or maybe I can just admit my crush but it wouldn't do anything hope is with Landon. So my only option is the wedge I'm gonna go find Lizzie

Lizzie POV: I'm packing, so whoever it is don't come in. Josie: actually it's me we're sharing a room. Oh ok, unpack your stuff josie: I already did Lizzie I have something to say... what is it? Josie: well remember when you had that episode when we couldn't go on are road trip because of the fire hope started? Lizzie: yeah why? That was like 3 years ago
Josie: well hope didn't just start the fire she told everyone that you were witchbipolar and I'm so so sorry I didn't tell you but it was 3 years ago I forgot.

Lizzie POV: are you serious? Did hope really call me witchbipolar! Josie: yeah... just when I thought me and her can become friends ugh! *lizzie leaves and slams the door hard*

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