Im sorry

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Josie POV: it's been 2 days hope has been avoiding if I was her I would avoid me to but it still hurt, you know what today I should just focus on Lizzie I feel bad for driving a wedge I need to make them become friends again, so I asked my dad if we could all go to carnival down the street and he said yes.

Josie: hey Liz
Lizzie: hey jo, you ok?
Josie; yeah so I was wondering you me carnival?
Lizzie: sure. But is hope coming *rolls eyes
Josie: maybe. Please Lizzie can you try to make it up with her
Lizzie: she literally broke my arm
Josie: you kept coming at her
Lizzie: whose side are you on?
Josie: there are sides now!
Lizzie: don't act dumb Josie of course there sides
Josie: look, I'm so sorry for what hope did too you I wish I was there to stop her
Lizzie: you saw it josie you could've ran out before she broke my arm
Josie: I could've but I was caught in shock ok. Please just go for me
Lizzie: if she tries to hurt me again. I won't hesitate I will kill her

Josie POV: Lizzie said it in sincere like she was being really serious my plan was to get them back friends but it's not working

Josie POV: I went to the bar I needed to get a few things off my mind with booze can I please get a bourbon?

Sir: coming right up

Josie POV: my uncle Damon tells me that bourbon calms you down so.

Hope POV: I got a knock on the door, come in.

Lizzie: hey....
Hope: If you come any closer to me I'll break more than an arm
Lizzie: omg chill the fuck out.
Hope: what do you want
Lizzie: I tried to ask you this question but I wasn't able to
Hope: spit it out
Lizzie: do you have a crush on Josie or does Josie have a crush on you?
Hope: excuse me. I'm with Landon me and Josie are just friends
Lizzie: ok I was just asking.
Hope: well you got your answer there is the door.

Hope POV: I lied I definitely had a crush on Josie. But I think Josie stopped having a crush on me after we had sex, was it bad? Or am I just a person she can toy with.

Josie POV: dad when does the carnival start?
Alaric: in 2 hours so tell the girls to get ready
Josie: ok

Jo: hey Liz, the carnival starts in 2 hours so get ready
Lizzie: are you giving me orders
Jo: never I'm just telling you
Lizzie: ok.

Jo: hope...?
Hope: jo?
Josie: hey uh, I was wondering if you would like to come to a carnival with me
Hope: of course
Josie: really? You've been avoiding me
Hope: yeah, I just needed time to think.
Josie: well did you have time?
Hope: yeah I did and I wanted to do this

Hope POV: I leaned in for a kiss are lips touched

Josie POV: hope kissed me as much as I wanted to kiss her more I pulled away, I think you should get ready

Hope: yeah your right *walks into bathroom

Later at the carnival

Alaric: ok girls we're here
Josie: hey dad thanks for taking us
Alaric: your welcome

Josie POV: we got out the car and hope began to hold my hand while we were walking Lizzie was in that back rolling her eyes.

Lizzie POV: hope and Josie were holding hands ew, I bet hope's hands are sweaty and disgusting you know what I have an plan.

Josie: so what rides should we go on first
Lizzie: I don't know but we better not go on the little kids rides
Hope: that might suits you
Lizzie: you wanna say that a little louder
Josie: hey guys stop!

Josie POV: I pulled Lizzie aside please, Lizzie stop just for me stop arguing with hope.
Lizzie: I didn't even say anything she said something to me
Josie: ok but just ignore her I'll talk to her.
Lizzie: and what makes you think she'll listen to you.
Josie: um oh uh. Because she's my friend I walked away saying sarcastically
Lizzie: *rolls her eyes*

At 7:00

Lizzie POV: Josie and hope was having fun I was so bored as usual I felt like a third wheel but I don't care I would rather be a third wheel then hang out with hope mikaelson.

Josie: hey Lizzie, it's been an 2 hours and you still haven't gone on a ride
Lizzie: well you keep going on rides with hope
Josie: your a big girl, you don't need me to go on rides with you
Lizzie: I came her for quality time with my sister not to see you guys having fun.
Josie: you know what your right, I'm sorry come on hope is on the dizzy ride we could go on after she's done

Lizzie POV: my plan just started hope is on the dizzy ride what if I did something to the ride and something bad happens to hope *lizzie giggles* I'm so in this.

Lizzie POV: I started a spell for the ride to go faster.

Hope: wow this ride is getting a little to fast now
Josie: don't be a crybaby or a fuss just enjoy it
Hope: *smiles while rolling eyes*

Lizzie POV: 2 minutes later the ride started going faster and faster hope kept saying she felt dizzy and Josie asked to stop the ride the leather wouldn't pull I casted Incendia on the leather and it burnt josie's hand I accidentally shocked josie's hand a little but uh well at least hope would hurt hope started screaming and everyone was screaming too as I just stand there with a smile on my face until josie saw me doing spells she pulled me aside and told me to stop but I said no. Until josie stopped it and hope was half way passed out my dad showed up and drove us home. I didn't feel guilty at all about what I did but I kinda felt bad for Josie considering that it ruined her shot at having fun oops...

Back at home.

Josie: Liz you could have killed her *shouts*
Lizzie: look Jo I just wanted to get payback that's it
Josie: why would you do that!
Hope by the door: I was wondering the same thing.
Lizzie: are you kidding me you broke my arm so you shouldn't be wondering
Hope: but it was me and jo's idea for mg to heal you that's not fair at all lizzie, I don't know what I did but I'm sorry. I can say it like 100 times
Lizzie: you don't have too because it wouldn't be enough
Hope: why! *shouts*
hope: I would never do that *shouts*
Lizzie: but you did *with a tear falling down her cheek*
Hope: I promise Lizzie I would never do that
Lizzie: your promises doesn't mea-
Josie: it does mean something
Lizzie: jo stay out of this
Josie: no, I lied to you lizzie
Lizzie: what?
Josie: hope never spread a rumor about you. I just drove a wedge
Lizzie: why would you drive a wedge between me and hope.
Hope: yeah... why would you?
Josie: I had a crush on, before everything since we were little when I saw you and Lizzie become friends I was upset because you never tried to become friends with me you were always unbothered with me I felt like a loner and like I was nothing.

Hope: listen I'm sorry Jo, but what you did to me and Lizzie is so much worse then feeling like a loner we almost tried to kill each other
Lizzie: hope I'm so sorry.

Lizzie POV: I ran to hope and hugged her.

Hope: I'm sorry too.

Josie POV: I smiled they became friends again but Lizzie and hope are really pissed at me I would be pissed at me if I was them too.

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