The beginning

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This story just takes place of Josie and Lizzie getting ready to go on their road trip with hope, Alaric, Emma,mg,kaleb and they're heading to Caroline's aka Josie and Lizzie's mother cabin to hide out from the monsters.

JOSIE POV: so are you really sure that you wanna go on this road trip with hope because you guys don't really like each other so wouldn't it be like difficult for you? Josie says to Lizzie* well it wouldn't be really difficult lately me and hope really haven't argued and I figured that maybe me and her can became friends Lizzie says to josie* that's surprising Josie says to lizzie* why would it be I mean it would finally be a time where me and hope wouldn't argue but anyways pack your stuff because dad should be pulling up in any second Lizzie says to josie* ok.

Hopes POV: I can't believe Alaric had this idea to go chase malivore monsters hope says to Landon* I'm pretty sure you would be badass while doing it Landon says to hope* aw I love you, I love you too.

Josie POV: by hopes door* its time to go hope *josie says in a jealous voice

Hope: I'll be there in a sec, hopefully when I get back we could watch Star Wars? Well of course we can but I'm pretty sure while you're gonna I'll be watching it with Rafael hope laughs* true I'll see you later babe, see you!

Hope Josie Lizzie enters the cars*

Alaric: buckle up girls, it's gonna be a long ride

Emma POV: on my radiate it say's we'll be there in 10hours so yeah buckle.

Josie POV: I put on my AirPods since music usually keeps me calm because I usually get car sick I felt like listening to getaway car by Taylor swift.

1 hour later

Josie POV: shit, I fell asleep wait.... why is hope's head sleeping on Lizzie's shoulder and why does Lizzie mind it...

Alaric: your finally up

Josie POV: yeah I was a little tired last night considering me and Lizzie had been packing for 2 days straight.

Alaric: well do you need anything we could pull up to the gas station.

Josie POV: actually yeah, I was thinking of getting Lizzie and hope slushes but they're sleeping peacefully on each other

Kaleb: hope and Lizzie sleeping on each other damn.

Mg: wow Lizzie and hope never knew

Alaric: well you could wake them up, or you can just let the sleep baby it's your choice.

Josie: I think I'll wake them up because earlier Lizzie said she had to use the restroom and never did.

Josie POV: I made and excuse just to get Lizzie and hope not so close up on each other it just didn't feel right especially how Lizzie is cool with it. I don't know why I'm so jealous when people are cuddling or so close to hope I mean I've always had a crush on her since I was 14 but it gotten stronger ever since I turned 17.

Josie POV: wake up sleepy heads we're gonna get slushes Josie says to Lizzie and hope while raddling them*

Lizzie POV: really jo I was sleeping so peacefully.

Josie: on hope.

Lizzie POV: well were frenimes so I'm cool with it.

Josie POV: yeah whatever let's just get inside. I tried to be close by hope while we were walking into the gas station but Lizzie and hope were in front of me and I just felt like I was third wheeling so I pulled Lizzie Aside and told her that I would get her slushie for her.

Lizzie: thanks jo, I'm really tired and I wanna sleep more and also get cherry!

Josie POV: I will!

Josie POV: goes up to hope* so, Lizzie really loves cherry slushes

Hope: yeah part of her charm.

Josie: chuckles* so I was wondering since their are like 4 rooms in the cabin two people have to share each room so who are you sharing with.

Hope: well honestly it doesn't matter *hope grabs her slushie and goes to the counter and not caring.

Josie POV: she seems very unbothered by me. You know what I need to stop trying we will just see who'll she'll be sharing a room with maybe it would be mg or kaleb but it definitely can't be Lizzie that's all I don't want.

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