It's over

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Josie POV: it has been a month and I can say me and hope have been getting a little to close, but we are on good terms. The rest of the school kinda just forgot about what happened Lizzie on the other hand has been struggling and going to therapy, and doing sessions with my dad I honestly really don't care but hope doesn't know so I'll tell her soon.

Jo: hey hope!
Hope; hey!
Jo: you ready to go?
Hope: yeah, but don't forget to pick me up at 9:00 so you can take me on a date *smiles
Jo: I'll schedule it!
Hope: *giggles*

Jo POV: I leaned in for a kiss and she kissed me back, this month is starting off good!

Lizzie: I'm frustrated I've been punching, this punching back for an hour can I stop dad?
Alaric: not until you see that your life is falling down.
Lizzie: dad Josie said she hated me.
Alaric: I'm sure she didn't mean it
Lizzie: all I wanna do is remove this punching bag and replace it with hope's face
Alaric: now concentrate.

Back to jo and hope.

Hope POV: I was walking out of school then I saw a bus, then I saw Landon and Rafael get off the bus, omg...
Jo: hey you ok?
Hope: hide meee
Jo: ugh, ok.

Josie POV: I saw Landon stare at me and I looked away I couldn't even look at him after what I did to him I pulled hope aside in the bathroom.

Josie: what is he doing here?
Hope: does it look like I know, he broke up with me we don't check in text
Josie: yeah, your right I'm sorry maybe we should talk to him
Hope: yeah no, right now all I wanna do is be with you
Josie: *smiles you know we're not dating right
Hope: yet *winks
Josie: *laughs nice try, but I don't wanna break landon's heart
Hope: I know I was joking we're never ever gonna date *walks away winks*

Josie POV; for some reason that hurt me, I just need to get over so I grabbed my bag and went to my classes I bumped into Rafael and Landon.

Rafael: watch it chick
Josie: I-I'm sorry.
Landon: sure you are.
Josie: can we talk?
Landon: there is nothing to talk about
Josie: uh yes it is!

Josie POV: I pulled his arm trying to pull him aside until Rafael grabbed my arm and pushed me to the ground

Josie: ah.
Rafael: like I said watch out chick

Josie POV: I started crying because my arm was swollen until I saw hope run towards me

Hope: what the help happened!
Josie: Rafael happened
Hope: I'm gonna kick his ass
Josie: no no.
Hope: you can't tell me what to do
Josie: stop hope, Rafael is with Landon
Hope: so Landon did nothing?
Josie: no?
Hope: ok then I'm gonna kick his ass to
Josie: wha- it's Landon hope.
Hope: yeah the guy who broke my heart and left you hurt.
Josie: we broke his heart.
Hope: I don't wanna hear it, I didn't break his heart you did remember that
Josie: what- how
Hope: you flirted with me, drove a wedge between me and Lizzie, and kissed me
Josie: yeah but-
Hope: no buts bye *walks away winking*

Josie POV: I can't believe her how did I just break landon's heart... she was apart of it to that is so unfair I rolled my eyes and walked away.

Hope POV: I saw Rafael and I shouted....
Hope: hey dickhead
Rafael: what do you want cheater

Hope POV: I ran towards him sliding him to the ground and with me in the process I got up quick and kept kicking him out of rage until Landon showed up

Landon: HOPE STOP.
Hope: you wanna be next?
hope: Landon I-
Landon: I don't wanna hear it

Hope POV: I saw Landon pick Rafael up and leave, I was shocked about what he said and what I did, I kept hurting people over Josie this can't be happening. This stupid friends benefits thing needs to be over it's ruining my friendship with Lizzie, my relationship with Landon, and my friendship with Rafael.

Hope: Jo we need to talk
Josie: yeah I need to tell you something too
Hope; you first.
Josie: I think you would want to sit down for this
Hope: just spit it out jo.
Josie: Lizzie has been going through episodes, raging, therapy, sessions for a month...
Hope: and you never thought to tell me
Josie: you guys aren't friends
Hope: I don't care Josie, Lizzie can hurt herself because of us
Josie: why should I care? She literally bothers us all the time
Hope: wow, I can't believe you would say that
Josie: I can't believe you would blame me this morning over Landon!
Hope: I can't believe we even started this friends with benefit thing either!
Josie: wha-
Hope: I-I- that is what I needed to tell you, I'm done with this stupid friends with benefits thing it is ruining my relationships

Hope POV: I could see josie shed a tear
Josie: yeah... yeah your right... does that mean we can't be friends anymore...
Hope: I think I need a break from are friendship to.
Josie: wha-
Hope: yeah..
Josie: can I just kiss you for the last time...
Hope: if we kiss I wouldn't hold myself back from taking it and I care to much about you, that's why I need to let you go.
Josie: yeah... I understand *sobs*
Hope: I need to go find Lizzie, to make sure she is ok, you need to fix your relationship with Landon.
Josie: yeah, ok!
Hope: I'm sorry.
Josie: me too...

Josie POV: I got up and walked away and wiped the tears from eyes

Hope was right.

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