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Josie POV: it's been a week hope and Lizzie have been avoiding me I cry every night. I know what I did was spiteful and selfish but if you were me you would understand I've been a third wheel my whole life and I'm basically always the one who picks up broken pieces, all I wanna do is scream.

Lizzie: hey hope!
Hope: hey
Lizzie: so what are you doing today
Hope: I was thinking I should go see Landon, me and him haven't really talked and I wanted to see if he was ok.
Lizzie: do you mind if I can come with?
Hope: not at all, but we're going on a bus, so?
Lizzie: so it's just us going
Hope: yeah.
Lizzie: I like the sound of that let me go get my phone.
Hope: ok!

Lizzie POV: I walked back into the house then I saw Josie on the table crying. I felt bad but i was in a rush so I just went to go get my phone and walked back outside I saw Josie sigh and started crying more. I felt really bad but I really have to go.

Josie POV: Lizzie ignored me again, I felt like a piece of trash I just ran back into my room and went to sleep maybe later on me and my dad can watch a movie while eating ice cream.

Later on that day

Josie: hey dad
Alaric: hey baby, how are you doing
Josie: alright, I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie?
Alaric: sure!
Josie: and uh I was thinking hope and Lizzie can join us?
Alaric: I wish they could but they got on the bus.
Josie: what?
Alaric: yeah they went back to the school to go get Landon.
Josie: and they didn't tell me?
Alaric: no I'm sorry sweetheart

Josie POV: I walked back to my room with tears falling down my eyes I'm not trying to be dramatic but I wanted to go too, Lizzie and hope has been ignoring me for a week I wanted to go to see Landon my best friend I needed to release my pain I grabbed a paper and slide it down my wrist as I bleed out until my dad came storming in the room and stopped me, my dad was crying and telling me how I could do that, me and my dad had a nice talk then I went to take a cold bath and put on my pjs, I could hear my dad on the phone with hope and Lizzie they were already at the Salvatore school, the pain is still there.

Hope: Alaric just called me saying Josie tried to kill her self!
Lizzie: what why would she do that
Landon: wow, is she ok?
Hope: yeah she is we've been ignoring her Lizzie and we left without her she really wanted to see you Landon.
Landon: then we should go

Landon pov: we were running back to the bus I could see hope with sadness in her eyes and running to get back with Josie, but Josie and hope aren't friends it kinda confused me but I guess they started to become friends on their trip

Hope: I'm so worried about her
Lizzie *grabs hopes hand* don't worry we'll be there in no time.
Hope: *looks into Lizzie eyes* ok *sighs

Later on that day

Josie POV: I was just laying on my bed until I heard a knock on the door, you can come in...

Hope: hey... are you ok?
Josie: hey just a little drained Josie says in tiredness

Hope sits on the bed*
Hope: I am so sorry.
Josie: it's ok. If I was you I would run far away from me *tear drops*
Hope: listen jo *hope wipes Josie tears* I'm so sorry.
Josie: you abandoned me. After what we did and went back to landon. What are we going to do?
Hope: listen. Me and Landon are together
Josie: *starts back crying*
Hope: no, no, listen it doesn't mean that I don't love you jo..
Josie: *looks shocked* you- yo love me?
Hope: *smiles and rolls her eyes Josie saltzman would you do me a favor and keep us a secret.
Josie: so does that mean you want us to continue being friends with benefits
Hope: of course I do!

Josie POV: hope was leaning towards me I just know she was leaning in for a kiss so I grabbed her face and started to kiss her passionately.

It was the best night of my life.

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