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Where the story takes place after 3 months.

-it's been three months, Lizzie and hope has been dating, and being happy, jo and Landon are still dating. Hope and Josie have like the best friend ship, it's been three months, their graduation is coming up and they need to decide who they wanna be with and who they wanna spend their lives with forever. Collage,houses everything back to the story!-

Lizzie POV: it's been three months, and these three months has been the happiest of my life, I ended things off with mg. He took it very personally but then got over it he started dating Rafael. I didn't really think that mg was bi and Rafael but whatever makes them happy I'm happy for them!

Lizzie: hey cutie pie!
Hope: *giggles* that name is so cringy when are you gonna stop calling me that
Lizzie: hmm... never *smiles
Hope POV: I leaned in for a kiss
Lizzie: mm, also I got us a cap and gown. In blue my favorite color *winks
Hope: ugh, I wanted red
Lizzie: *rolls eyes*
Hope: but anything for you
Lizzie: hehe, see how consistent you are

Back with jo and Landon

Landon: hey babe? Ready to go to your cafe?

Josie: sure hold on, let me get my purse

Josie POV: me and Landon decided that I was gonna own a cafe by the place my collage lives. Landon on the other hand I can say that collage isn't in his best interest so he would be finishing off with school then moving in with me, my mom (Caroline)is also gonna let me rent her house for just me and Landon. Lizzie she's still looking hopefully her and hope lasts.

Josie: I got my purse!
Landon: ok let's go! *puts his arm over jo*

Hope POV: I was walking in the hallway then I saw Lizzie talking to a lady at the collage she was going. I was kinda scared because I don't know if I got in or not. But what I heard was heart breaking. I didn't get in....

Later when Lizzie goes back to the dorm room

Lizzie: I have bad news
Hope: I know.
Lizzie: what?
Hope: how are we gonna spend are lives together
Lizzie: *frowns we can try to make it work
Hope: lizzie.... My choice was that collage or moving back to New Orleans...
Lizzie: wha-
Hope: yeah...
Lizzie: why didn't you tell!
Hope: because I didn't wanna hurt you
Lizzie: yeah well zero stars *rolls eyes and walks out*

Hope: *sighs

Week later
Hope POV: every time I try to talk to Lizzie she shuts me out I should of told her damn it. Why do I always ruin things graduation is in two days I need to find out if I wanna be with Lizzie or stay at New Orleans.

Lizzie POV: I ignored hope for a week, she pissed me off however we only have 2 days before graduation I wanted to spend time with her, so I need to grow up and stop ignoring her. I should go to josie's cafe and buy hope's favorite apple pie, and apologize.

Lizzie: hey sis
Josie: hey Lizzie! What are you doing here? *smiles
Lizzie: I wanted to order apple pie, is that ok?
Josie: of course it is but isn't that hope's favorite
Lizzie: yeah well that's the point.
Josie: wait did something happen between you guys?
Lizzie: jo can you do me a favor
Josie: sure?
Lizzie: can you please talk to hope. Give her advice because I don't wanna live my life without her and also give her this pie. Just say it was me who bought it
Josie: uh uh sure..
Lizzie: k bye.

Next day

Josie POV: I saw hope walking in the hallway and stopped her

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