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Josie POV: it's been 3 days, I've been avoiding everyone I stayed in my room most days, but sometimes i use a invisibility spell to leave so no one can see me, Me and hope still text she's still not over her breakup with Landon and at this point I don't know where me and Landon stand all I know is I keep screwing up.

Hope POV: I've been laying in my bed for 4 hours, I'm not over Landon, I don't know where he went but he hasn't been to the school people look at me crazy every time I walk through the hall, all I know is that I screwed up.

Lizzie POV: I've been staying with my mg. Because I couldn't face Josie and hope after what I did mg has been a great boyfriend to me these past 3 days.

Mg: good morning precious
Lizzie: good morning *kisses*
Mg: *kisses back*
Lizzie: mm, so what you wanna do today?
Mg: this

Lizzie pov: mg started to roll over to me kissing my neck
Lizzie: mm, mg stop
Mg: make me
Lizzie *rolls eyes*
Mg: exactly

I think we all know what happened after that-

Few minutes later

Lizzie POV: I was putting my bra back on until I got a text from dad, wanting me at the school
Mg: who is that?
Lizzie: just my dad, he wants me to go to the school
Mg: nooo, Josie and hope would bully you
Lizzie: I can kick their ass
Mg: my brave precious girlfriend I bet you can
Lizzie: yeah, well do you wanna come?
Mg: sure let me go take a shower

Lizzie POV: mg got up and was literally BUTT NAKED.

Lizzie: are you trying to turn me on!
Mg: I mean you can join me in the shower *winks*
Lizzie: consider that a challenge *throws bra*

Lizzie POV: mg picks me up and puts me by the shower wall as I put my waist between him he started to kiss my neck and I let out a moan I put my lips on his, and he put his on my, I couldn't handle it. Then he grabbed the soap and started to put it on both of us and I started giggling

Lizzie: was that necessary?
Mg: we need to be clean
Lizzie: *bites lip*

Lizzie POV: mg picked me up again and started to put his center area in me
Lizzie: m-mg
Mg: *laughs*
Lizzie: hey, don't take my moaning as a joke
Mg: it must be good then
Lizzie: don't get to cocky.

Hour later
Lizzie: that was fun
Mg: yeah *laughs*

Lizzie POV: I was wearing my white robe and started to do my hair and makeup to get ready to go see my dad, and the school and of course my annoying sister, and backstabber hope.

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