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Hope POV: I was on a train trying to find my way back to Lizzie to comfort her I felt so horrible for what me and Josie did, honestly I would do anything to make it up to her.

Josie POV: I was doing what hope wanted me to do fixing my relationships starting with my best friend Landon. I saw him sitting down alone. Rafael wasn't there so I'll take my shot.

Jo: l-Landon
Landon: whatever you say it won't change anything
Jo: I know I know that,

Josie POV: I started to tear up
Josie: landon you are my best friend...
Landon; do best friends steal girlfriends
Josie: if this is your way of being sarcastic it sucks
Landon: just doing what you do
Josie: *bites lip tearing up* sighs* landon, I'm very sorry for what I did what I did was wrong and it wasn't the friendish move...
Landon: fine, give me the day to prove that your still an actual asset an "friend" landon quotes on quotes
Josie: yeah, yeah of course I can do that.
Landon: so where would you like to start
Josie: remember that park we use to go to when we were kids
Landon: *smiles yeah let's go there

Josie pov: I grabbed his hand as we walked to the park.

Few hours later

Hope: hey Alaric can I talk to Lizzie
Alaric: sure, she would be-

Hope POV: I saw lizzie stand by the door crossing her arms with a gun in the back of her

Hope: hey Liz, can we talk please please i'm not trying to heart you like I've already had...
Lizzie: *rolls eyes* what are you trying to do make amends

Hope: you can say something like that...

Lizzie POV: hope looked sincere so I moved out of the way so she could get in, and when she got in I pointed the gun to her head and shot her

Alaric: Liz-
Lizzie: well stuff her ass in the dungeon dad im going out
Alaric: Lizzie! Lizzie

Lizzie POV: I packed my bags and left while my dad was screaming my name I didn't wanna hear his whining so I did a spell. I don't know if I killed her or made her become a tribrid but I really don't care I got my anger out and now I'm starting to feel like myself

Later on that day

Alaric was waiting for hope to wake up but it's been 6 hours..

Let's get back to jo and Landon

Josie: that was fun.
Landon: yeah.
Josie: so how did I do?
Landon: listen josie, I don't think we can become friends
Josie: wha-
Landon: it's because I've fallen for you

Josie pov: Landon grabbed my hair and pulled it by my ear

Josie: wha-
Landon: *smiles yeah, I've honestly had a crush on you in secret... just never wanted to say and it hurt me when you actually got with hope and I didn't shoot my shot

Josie: smiles*

Josie pov; we both leaned in for a kiss I could see Landon smiling, so i kissed more passionately.

Later on that night

Hope: ah...
Alaric: hope hope? Wait are you ok?

Hope POV: I was touching my neck and head because it hurt

Hope: what happened
Alaric: wait are you a tribrid

Hope POV: I did magic and I didn't feel like a vampire I had no fangs.

Hope: it's the watch that I told Josie to get I never explained it to her but it keeps u protected from anything even death.

Alaric: that's good, that's good

Hope POV: I could Alaric run towards me and hugging me

Maybe Alaric and hope would get together (;

NAH IM JK, anyways back to the story.

Lizzie: I'm sorry too.

Hope POV: I saw Lizzie by the door

Hope: trying to do another sneak attack
Lizzie: no *walks towards hope* if you want to comfort me I'll let you

Hope POV: I grabbed hope's hand I would be glad to
Lizzie: *smiles
Lizzie: we are good now dad, you can go
Alaric: I just love seeing you girls happy together
Hope:*rolls eyes* ok you can leave now Alaric
Alaric: ok,ok, fine *shuts door*

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