Our little secret

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Josie POV: yawns* good morning hope

Hope: good morning cupcake

Josie POV: I blushed at the name hope gave me, I finally did it. Hope and Lizzie are friends and me and hope well I can say we're more than friends, I really do feel bad that Landon doesn't know anything.

Lizzie: hey mg!
Mg: so, you ready to go on that date.
Lizzie: yeah, also if you haven't heard me and hope are on good terms
Mg: that's good.
Lizzie: yeah so lets hit the ride

Hope POV; I saw Lizzie walking out of her room with mg? I was wondering what they were doing so I shouted at lizzie and said "hey! Where are you guys going"

Lizzie: oh, we're going on a date
Hope: you and mg? *hope says surprise
Lizzie: I need a good guy
Hope: that's good but can I talk to mg alone for a sec
Lizzie: you aren't plan on making a move are you?
Hope: *rolls her eyes and laughs no silly.

Hope POV: I pulled mg aside
Mg: yeah hope?
Hope: can you please treat Lizzie right?
Mg: plan on it why you so worried?
Hope: well maybe because she needs the best and I'm technically her best friend and it's my duty
Mg: well you know what hope, your a great friend
Hope: *smiles thank you mg!
Mg: see you later I'll give you details *mg winks his eye*
Hope: *chuckles* bye mg!

Hope POV: I am low key rooting for mg and Lizzie, but if he breaks her heart I'll break his in 2. But I'm so happy that Lizzie is finally happy but I can't stop thinking about me breaking landon's heart.... One day I'll have to tell him that me and jo are friends with benefits, ugh my life is so complicated

Josie POV: i plan on impressing hope today. So o wore a red dress with ring hoops. I know I don't do this but for hope mikaelson oh wow I would show off. Maybe one day we'll actually be a couple and I can show the world to her but.... I would be breaking landon's heart.... I never thought of it like that Landon is my best friend I would be breaking his heart that means that I can't be with hope forever I took off my dress and earrings and changed into something comfy. I can't impress hope it would be to obvious that I'm trying to get with her I'm taking things to far. Maybe soon we can call of the friends with benefits

Later on that day

Mg: my lady
Lizzie: *chuckles thank you for saving my spot handsome

Mg POV: I got turned on when Lizzie called me handsome I'm probably the most luckiest men in the word right now. I took a couple of pictures of Lizzie to show it too hope.

Mg text to hope: isn't she gorgeous.
Hope: she sure is gorgeous
Mg text: thank you hope.
Hope; for what? Telling you not to break her heart
Mg: no for being a supportive friend towards me and Lizzie
Hope: anytime

Hope POV: I saw Josie came in the room, hey jo!
Josie: hey, we need to talk
Hope; sure about what?

Josie POV: I went closer to hope until I saw pictures of Lizzie my sister.

Josie:what the hell is this.

Josie POV: I grabbed hope's phone and saw pictures of Lizzie

Hope: uh you ok jo?
Josie: what the hell hope, why do you have pictures of Lizzie!
Hope; relax
Josie: don't tell me to relax hope, what is this? Do you like her!
Hope: of course not Jo, I like you jo you.
Josie: how about Landon *josie says in a smirky voice*
Hope: I love Landon.
Josie: *rolls her eyes and smirks* you love him? Then why are you with me?
Hope: jo,
Josie: no. No you stay away.

Josie POV: I stormed out of the room in anger. How could hope have pictures of Lizzie and I keep thinking about Landon. We're gonna break his heart I need to call off this deal with hope ASAP when I get back from the bar I need a drink.

Hope POV: I kept pacing. Would Josie tell Landon? And why was she so jealous me and Lizzie are just friends... i started to cry could I be falling in love with Josie? Or could I just be falling out of love with Landon I can't make up my mind... im gonna lose them both...

Later on that day

Jo: hey..

Hope POV: I got up quick

Hope: hey *wipes tears off face*

Jo: hope.
Hope: just stop.
Jo: *tears fall from face*
Hope: what we have or what we had, it can't continue
Jo: yeah I know.
Hope: you do?
Jo: I've been thinking about it, and I thought wow, we really are gonna be breaking landon's heart
Hope: yeah..
Jo: listen hope. This would be are last kiss.

Hope POV: a tear started to form from my eye this would be the last time I get a taste of Josie lips.

Hope: can we still be friends...
Josie: yeah, of course!
Hope: *smiles I grabbed her face and waited
Josie: *looks into her eyes and kissed the Auburn girl passionately

*Lizzie and mg showed up in the cabin*

Lizzie: I had a really nice time mg
Mg: me too, want me to walk you to your room?
Lizzie: no I'll be fine, I'm going to go see hope.
Mg: ok see you!
Lizzie: wait.

Lizzie POV: I grabbed mg and pulled in for a kiss he kissed me back in a shock.

Lizzie: thanks for tonight.
Mg: yeah yeah!
Lizzie: *smiles bye mg

Lizzie POV: I walked to hope room with a smile on my face then I dropped my bag what I saw shocked me hope and Josie kissed I screamed.

Josie: I turned around to see Lizzie
Hope: I turned around to see Lizzie

Lizzie pov: I-I- I ran away as fast as I can.

Josie pov: me and hope got up fast
Hope: damn it.

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