Be happy.

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Hope: uh ...
Lizzie: umm...

Lizzie POV: I was just standing in shock, hope kissed me but why did it actually feel good tho...

Hope: I should go...
Lizzie: w-wait
Hope: yeah...
Lizzie: can we talk about this later?
Hope: mhm *nods head and opens door and walks away*

The next day

Lizzie POV: I kept twisting and turning in my bed, I can't stop thinking about the fact hope kissed me, I really wanna kiss her again it just felt right, how did are friendship turn into this and what made hope do it, I guess I'll talk to her after class. I got up and put my school uniform I decided to change my hair up so I flat ironed it. And grabbed my bag and walked out of my dorm

Josie POV: me and Landon were walking in the hallway
Josie: last night was fun
Landon: yeah, I know can are life always be like that
Josie: we can make it like that
Landon: *smiles like the sound of that

Hope POV: I saw Josie and Landon talking in the hallway I was already pissed about how josie kissed Landon. I didn't wanna be pissed anymore so I got over it I ended my relationship with josie, and Landon found someone new it isn't my fault.

Lizzie: hey..
Hope: Lizs that you?
Lizzie: yeah, *sigh
Hope: *sighs last night
Lizzie: was a mistake right?
Hope: wait Liz-
Lizzie: just say it was a mistake hope! If we go there then... are friendship
Hope: listen Liz. Last night I planned on having a friendly quality time with you and jo
Lizzie: well..

Josie POV: I saw hope and Lizzie talking.

Josie: hey Landon, I'll see you later in class
Landon: ok bye! *walks away

Josie POV: I decided I should listen, even tho that is kinda evading their privacy

Hope: well.... I didn't mean for that to happen
Lizzie: do you want it to happen again
Hope: ye- I mean
Lizzie *smiles

Lizzie POV: I leaned in for a kiss, and hope was shocked but she did lean in to kiss me also.

Josie POV: what the hell.... I started to become shocked I sighed.... With a frown and walked away.

Lizzie POV: kissing hope, felt right, like destined I could tell she liked the way I kissed her softly.

Hope: m, uh
Lizzie: yeah...
Hope: you didn't wanna ruin are friendship
Lizzie: I didn't but I couldn't stop thinking about are kiss last night
Hope: *smiles what if we just think about what we wan't to be I mean....
Lizzie: sure, see you after class
Hope: yeah yeah
Lizzie: k bye...

Hope POV: my dating life is so complicated I ended things with Josie, and Landon ended things with me and Lizzie has fallen for me... I mean I just kissed her because I was very jealous seeing Josie and Landon.. but I guess I'll let Lizzie find it out I don't wanna hurt her but I also don't wanna date her... she's my best friend I messed things up big time again....

Hour later

Hope POV: I saw Josie in the hallway I had to tell her what happened

Hope: hey jo... I have to tell you something
Josie: yeah...
Hope: me and Liz-
Josie: be happy *smiles
Hope: uh oh..

Josie POV: I hugged hope gently and gave her a smile.

Hope: wow uh, how did you know
Josie: I saw you guys kissing in the hallway
Hope: I saw you and Landon last night...
Josie: wait what?
Hope: yeah...
Josie: I'm so sorry hope, I know how much you care for Landon and if you-

Hope POV: I hugged Josie gently

Hope: shut up...
Josie: *smiles*
Josie: so you and Lizzie huh?
Hope: let's not making this any weird then it already  is
Josie: *laughs

Josie POV: I put my arms around hope while we were walking. I realized that I needed hope as a friend more then I needed her as a lover. Me and Landon are lovers.

At night

Hope POV: I walked into Lizzie's dorm room to talk
Hope: hey.
Lizzie: hey *lizzie says in a flirty way

Hope POV: I sat on Lizzie's bed and hold her hand. I'm gonna take josie's advice and be happy.

Hope: I don't know what this is but... I wanna be happy
Lizzie: yeah me too..
Hope: and if happiness was the choice I'm deciding to be happy with you
Lizzie: *smiles*

Lizzie POV: I grabbed hope and kissed her as passionately as I could, I fell for her instantly especially the night she came over comforting me.

Hope POV: I started to kiss Lizzie with all my heart,passion, desire. All we have to do is become official.I make Lizzie happy and she makes me happy. That night was the night I finally get to actually have happiness

Hope POV: I don't know what I would do without jo, and her perfect loving advice.

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