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Josie: hey dad.
Alaric: hey honey where'd you run off to?
Josie: I just needed fresh air
Alaric: well you should start packing?
Josie: wait what the monster
Alaric: it was a waste of time
Josie: oh.
Alaric: yeah so grab your stuff.

Lizzie POV: I showed up back to the cabin I started packing my stuff and I saw Josie walk up to me.

Josie: how could you!
Lizzie: why are you angry at me your the one who had your tongue down hope mikaelsons throat

Josie POV: I did a spell Lizzie's throat started closing in

Lizzie: jo.. jo... *choking*
Josie: your a terrible sister! *walks away and stops spell*
Lizzie POV: tears started falling from my eyes... why is she playing the victim and what did I do...

Hope POV: I was packing my stuff until I saw Josie storm in my room and slammed the door shut with magic

Hope; hey jo what are you doin-
Josie: Lizzie told mg!
Hope; what!
Josie: yeah.
Hope: why would she do that!
Josie: that's what I tried to figure out when I went to go talk to her
Hope: what did she say?
Josie: I couldn't get much out of her she pissed me off.
Hope: ugh, we have to do something about this
Josie: yeah I know we're going back to the school
Hope: I have a plan.
Josie: what is it?
Hope: don't worry I'll tell you soon
Josie: wha- this is serious hope!
Hope: sorry

Hope POV: I did a spell and pulled Josie out of my room while locking my door with a spell!

Josie: hope! Hope!

Hope: like I said sorry, I'll tell you soon.

Later in the car.

Alaric: already buckle up.

Josie POV: I was not talking to either Lizzie or hope. But I can tell Lizzie kept trying to speak to me but I kept ignoring her she pissed me off.

At the school.

Hope POV: we all got out the car but I ran and jumped on Landon and hugged him so tight!

Hope: I missed you baby!
Landon: woah, hey!
Hope and Landon kisses*

Josie POV; I looked away, I could feel jealousy flood in me but I can't let that happen me and hope are just friend's but what was her plan... ugh why does she have to be so complicated

Alaric: alright, everyone unpack your stuff

Lizzie POV: after what Josie said to me I felt terrible for telling mg. So I decided to apologize to hope first

Lizzie: hope can we talk?

Hope POV: I was by Landon.

Hope: I don't really think that's a good idea
Lizzie: why?
Hope: because, I'm talking to landon right now
Landon: no it's fine?
Lizzie POV: I pulled hope's arm

Hope: let go of me what! Do you want
Lizzie: to say sorry.
Hope: I don't need your forgiveness I'm done being your friend bye
Lizzie: are you serious! *shouted*

Lizzie POV: I shouted loud that almost everyone in the school heard
Hope: Omg, stop your causing a scene
Lizzie: like the scene you caused with Josie.

Everyone: uh....
Hope: I d-dont know what your talking about.
Lizzie: oh sure you do you stuttering bitch, I can't believe you would have your tongue down my sisters throat

Lizzie POV: Everyone at the school was in shock, I could see Landon look at hope with a disgusted look while he walked away hope ran after him then I saw Josie look at me with a shock look.

Josie POV: I ran to my room and did a spell so nobody can come in, how could Lizzie do this to me she caused enough damage

Hope: Landon, Landon! Wait.
Landon: I don't wanna hear it hope.
Hope: stop! Please my legs are tired from running after you.
Landon: you have 10 seconds to explain.
Hope: Landon, I'm so sorry I'm just so sorry *tears falls out of eyes*
Landon: that's it? Because I wanna leave.
Hope: no, please
Landon: goodbye hope, have fun with your plaything.
Hope: no...

Hope POV: I fell to the ground with tears falling down my eyes, my eyes were pretty puffy and red.

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