Contuine what we started

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Lizzie POV: I arrived the the Salvatore school. And everyone was outside I can see they were looking at me but I didn't care.

Lizzie: hey dad!
Alaric: hey hon.
Lizzie: so what did you wanna talk to me about.
Alaric: you need to come back, and do your work.
Lizzie: uh, I can't
Alaric: why?
Lizzie: I just can't
Alaric: don't tell me your afraid of facing your sister
Lizzie: hope to be exact.
Alaric: she isn't gonna hurt you, just you need to stay.
Lizzie: fine fine, I'll go tell mg.

Lizzie POV: welp that does it, I'm gonna go back to school

Josie POV: I heard Lizzie is moving back, in so I decided to text hope and ask her if I can share a dorm with her, she said yes she needed comfort so why not.

Jo: hey hope.
Hope: hey jo, you can unpack your stuff over there in the dresser
Jo: thanks, for this by the way.
Hope: no problem, it's just I'm lonely.
Josie: yeah me too.
Hope: so what are you doing today?
Josie: not much. Why?
Hope: like I said I'm lonely so,
Josie: wait. Hope I'm so sorry I forgot to apologize
Hope: no, don't apologize it's both of are faults we started this
Josie: does that me mean we need to continue it?

Josie POV: hope put her hand on my thigh which made me shiver
Hope: well, we're both in are lonesome so..
Josie: I think it would be a great distraction
Hope: not technically *bites lip*

Josie POV: we were leaning in are lips connected, all I wanted right now is all of hope. I took my shirt off

Hope: wait. Before we do this I have this thing that I gave Lizzie it's a watch .

Josie: what is it?
Hope: well, I'll tell you once you help me?
Josie: yeah of course
Hope; thanks, and I want this to be special so can we do it tonight.. but for right now can you find a way to get my watch back.
Josie: I like the sound of that
Hope: *smiles

Hope pov: I really enjoyed josie's comfort.

5 hours later

Josie POV: I'm suppose to get with hope at 10:00 but it's 8:29 so I decided to get dressed right now I decided to wear a pink,blue,silver dress with a crown, I plan on getting that watch from Lizzie even if I have to go through her.

At 9:00

Josie POV: I saw lizzie walking in the hallway so I tapped her.

Lizzie: jo?
Jo:hey, I know we haven't talked but I really need that stupid watch thing you have.
Lizzie: uh, how do you know about that
Jo: doesn't matter give it, and you'll get forgiveness.
Lizzie: like I said what do you want with it
Jo: fine it's for hope me and hope has this friends with benefits thing going on and she wants this stupid watch so give it
Lizzie: wow, you guys don't care about anybody's feelings and Landon is your best friend why would you do this to him
Josie: first of all he dumped hope, left her depressed I picked up the pieces so give it.

Lizzie POV: I pulled out the watch, jo tried to grab it until I siphoned it
Lizzie: sorry...
Josie: I hate you

Josie POV: I started to walk away I didn't wanna hear any of Lizzie whining
Lizzie: jo wait, jo!

Lizzie POV: I screamed! "AHH" lights started flickering everyone was shocked and scared some people even ran out of the school i stopped then I looked at what the mess i made my dad grabbed me and kept trying to calm me down

josie pov: when lizzie and my dad left i saw the watch on the ground i ran and grabbed it and went to hope's dorm room.
hope: hey jo!
josie: lizzie siphoned the watch.
hope: wha-what
josie: but luckily i'm always one step ahead of my twin i did a spell that she couldn't use magic on it.
hope: that's why i like you
josie: wow you decorated the room nice, i remember the first night we kissed the red lights, Romeo and Juliet, and chemistry spell.
hope: yeah, i wanted it to be special

hope pov: i pushed josie softly on the bed
josie pov: i was taking off hope's black suit, we started to make out passionately i felt the finger in me then it became two, i started to moan, this was probably the best night of my life.

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