Friends with benefits

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Hope POV: again, I woke up cuddled with Josie I started smiling,.

Josie POV: I was fake sleeping, I mean how can I go to sleep after what happened last night, I made out with hope mikaelson I knew this time was coming my plan worked out so well, maybe one day hope and Lizzie would become friends again but for right now hope is mine.

Hope POV: I got up, to go take a shower I planned on making Josie breakfast. I saw Alaric in the kitchen, hey dr saltzman! Hi hope sleep well? Uh yeah I slept perfectly fine you? Well, my bed cover is kinda hard but what are you doing in here?, uh I planned on making me and jo some breakfast do you mind?, by all means you can go, thank you! *smiles

Lizzie POV: stupid, stupid, PHONE ugh, I keep. Trying to delete hope's number
Mg: are you sure you wanna do that?
Lizzie: I am 100%
Mg: ok, but don't try to break your phone while doing it
Lizzie *rolls eyes* why are you so concerned anyways
Mg: because
Lizzie: because?
Mg: listen you and hope finally were friends and then you guys start back arguing it's kinda stressful
Lizzie: tell that to hope
Mg: what did do so bad that you started hating her
Lizzie: it's not what she did it's what I heard.
Mg: and from who?
Lizzie: jo
Mg: i think jo, has a crush on hope for some reason
Lizzie: what makes you think that
Mg: well considering that They were watching 365 days last night
Lizzie: they what? That movie is inappropriate
Mg: yeah.

Mg POV: I pretended to be surprised I didn't wanna Lizzie to find out I was the one who recommend it

Lizzie: anyways, I'll ask jo if she has a crush on hope but in the mean time can you please help me delete her number
Mg: *giggles sure.

Hope POV: Wakey,wakey, eggs and bacon
Josie: hope? I pulled my hair to the side of my ear how are you up
Hope: I have charms now come, come try this out
Josie: ugh fine,
Hope: so how do the eggs and bacon taste?
Josie: good as usual can I go to bed now
Hope: why are you so cranky
Josie: when I don't get enough sleep I get cranky, sorry
Hope; hey I'm not judging you but can we please, talk about last night
Josie: there is nothing to talk about we kissed it shouldn't happen again
Hope: but you said friends with benefits?
Josie: listen hope, we were friends with benefits but we need to stop your with Landon. Chill.
Hope: I am chill? But you kissed me?
Josie: *rolls eyes* because we were both horny and in the moment ok. Nothing else.
Hope: yeah I get it.

Hope POV: I stormed out the room, why did Josie do that to me after what happened last night I didn't understand how someone's personality can change over night all I know is I wanted to go punch a punching bag.

Josie POV: I tried to avoid what happened last night. I already caused enough yeah I have a huge crush on hope. But I can't do that to landon even though I did drive a wedge between hope and Lizzie I just can't do that to landon especially how me and landon dated when we were younger.

Hope POV: I was outside doing punching, a punching bag until I was caught by the annoyed Lizzie.

Lizzie: hey hoe mikaelson what are you doing punching a punching bag

Hope: do you wanna take its place
Lizzie: I'm not here for you silly, I'm here if you have heard from jo
Hope: find her yourself

Hope POV: I sounded very rude but idc.
Lizzie: no, you would stop punching that punching bag and you will tell me where the hell is Josie at
Hope: yeah, and what are you gonna do if I don't
Lizzie: then I would do what I didn't get to finish at the campfire
Hope: bring it on, you would be the first person on the ground

Hope POV: I heard her trying to cast a spell I ran towards her grabbed her and pushed her to the ground I was on top of her I grabbed her arm and tighten it until I heard a crack I heard her scream, I got up

Hope: next time you mess with me I would break something else other than an arm I stormed off in rage.

Lizzie POV: I couldn't barley move my arm was bro-broken... I started to sob until I saw Josie run out the house I think she saw us through the window I heard Josie scream and picked me up.

Later on that day

Josie: how could you do that to Lizzie
Hope: I was protecting myself! She kept coming at me
Josie: you could've just left
Hope: I don't run away from weak witches, she almost Tried to incendia my ass all the way to Canada
Josie: *hides her laugh*
Hope: how is this funny to you! *shouts*
Josie: it's not it's not, it's just your adorable when your angry
Hope: oh uh... again I'm sorry I didn't mean too.
Josie: I know, you don't have to apologize she kept coming at you but i don't know how Lizzie is gonna fight monsters in a cast
Hope: *puts her hand on josie's thigh* she would find a way, mg, kaleb can give her vampire blood to heal her
Josie: you know what, your smart hope mikaelson
Hope: charms from you

Josie POV: I leaned in for a kiss and hope didn't hesitate she kissed me back I got on top of her and I could say I went rough. I pulled up her shirt and pulled up mine I slipped my hand to her gym pants and took them off I started kissing over her neck. Until she flipped me to her bed she started kissing my body and I let out a moan she asked me if I was ready, and I told her yes

I think we all know what happened after that.

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