Falling for you

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Hope POV: I woke up and saw Josie on the other side of the bed I smiled. Last night was fun I remember when I use to watch Romeo and Juliet with Landon. Speaking of Landon I should call him but my eyes were on Josie I didn't wanna wake her up. So I decided to get out of bed not making a sound I headed to the kitchen and I decided that I should make her breakfast in bed I still don't know what I feel about her right now she's my best friend. But at times I really want to kiss her I made pasteries yesterday maybe today I can make her some of my yummy bagels I started cooking until I was interrupted by Lizzie walking in and she gave me a death stare. I don't know what I did for her to hate me so much but it doesn't matter all I'm worried about right now is making Josie breakfast.

Lizzie POV: I saw hope making bagels it smelt delicious especially the pasteries she made yesterday. I still hate her for what she did I think I will always hate her.

Josie POV: I woke up on hope's bed I turn around to feel comfort until hope wasn't in the bed, last night was amazing there a final time where I wasn't horny all I felt was love, love by hope mikaelson I'm falling for her more and more. Like I said it's an matter of time until I tell her how I feel but it just seems like she will always have feelings for Landon I heard a knock on the door come in! Hope came in with a tray of bagels, eggs, sausage, pasteries, and apple juice, I know this is weird but I hate orange juice.

Hope: here jo!
Josie: wow thanks chef
Hope: *giggles so how did you sleep
Josie: comfortably until you left
Hope: yeah I'm sorry about that, I just wanted to make you breakfast in bed
Josie, why? Not to sound rude
Hope: because your my hype women you hype my breakfast up
Josie: I do don't I
Hope: *giggles* very much
Josie: so, I know we've been doing a lot recently together and I was thinking maybe tonight we can watch 365 I heard it's very good
Hope: that sounds like a romantic movie
Josie: yeah it was recommended by mg and kaleb they were watching
Hope: call it a date.
Josie: date?
Hope: yeah, a best friend date?
Josie: oh ok.

Josie POV: it kinda hurt me when hope said "best friend date" because I wanted to be more but I guess I should set up tonight. I asked my dad if he can take me to target and he did I got red led lights, twizzlers candy,and sour candy, I also got us some red pjs, red velvet cupcakes, and let's not forget popcorn. Tonight is red themed I also thought of bringing the chemistry moto.

Hope POV: I needed to get ready for tonight so I decided I would clean up my room because Josie decided that she would decorate, I am nervous and happy for tonight mostly nervous because Josie was bringing the chemistry moto and I've been horny ever since last night but hided it

7:00 pm

Hope: hey jo, are you done so I can see the room?
Jo, yes, you can come in *smiles*

Hope POV: my eyes were amazed.

Hope: my favorite color is red, and omg are those twizzlers?
Josie: yup, your favorite candy.
Hope: you know me so well.
Josie: your hope mikaelson sweet,loving,kinda,and a great friend

Hope: *smiles*
Josie: btw, that's what you said about me
Hope: I know giggles
Josie: so should we continue
Hope: yeah!

10 minutes Into the movie
Hope: what the hell is this josie.
Josie: I have no idea

Hope POV: suddenly I started feeling a sting in my centre area and started feeling a lot horny then usual I started to look at josie then she looked at me back we started leaning into each other and then both of are lips clided together I started to go on josie's side of the bed and get on top of her josie grabbed the remote and turned the tv off the only thing that was on was the red led lights we started making out until josie lifted her shirt and I lifted mine we just had are bra on I started kissing jo's neck until josie pulled away
Jo: uh, hope what are we doing?
Hope: *rushes puts on her shirt I think we were in a moment...
Jo: yeah... *josie puts on her shirt

Hope POV: listen, I don't know what this is but I want it too last I know I'm with Landon but when I'm with you everything feels right kissing you felt like I was destined so

Josie POV: I started blushing, same I know you don't wanna hurt Landon so there is this thing called friend with benefits

Hope: what is that?

Josie: basically, a friend where we have a sexual relationship but it's just in a friend way so?

Hope: *smiles I like the sound of that

Josie: *grabs my cheeks and starts kissing me*

Hope POV: we made out for what seemed about 12 minutes... I swear she tasted like cinnamon and roses mixed together I kept begging for it so are tongue slipped and we started getting serious in are make out.

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