Don't tell anyone

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Josie POV: I kept rolling and twisting on my bed I'm so scared that Lizzie would tell Landon, or tell people about me and hope. All I know is that I screwed up again.

Hope POV: I couldn't sleep after what happened, after Lizzie saw me and Josie I practically made out with my best friend's sister. And I'm with Landon what if Lizzie tell's him.

Lizzie POV: what I saw shocked me I needed a fresh air so I got out of the house. How could Josie and hope do that to landon. Landon is josie's best friend and Landon is hope's bf or should I say ex bf when he finds out. *groans why is life so complicated

In the morning

Josie POV: I woke up took a shower and brushed my teeth, And putted on some fresh new clothes I was walking down stairs to go get some cereal then I saw hope.

Josie: hey...
Hope: we can't talk like this walks away*
Josie: oh...

Hope POV: I can't talk to josie right now I plan on going back to the Salvatore boarding school today. We didn't see any monsters so this was a waste of time I'm gonna talk to Alaric.

Hope; hey dr saltzman
Alaric: hey hope, what you up too?
Hope: I was wondering we could all go back to the Salvatore boarding school we saw no monsters
Alaric: Emma and I was planning on going back today so yeah we are.
Hope: great!

Hope POV: I was only worried about Landon, and my relationship with him. Who knows Lizzie has a big mouth she could've told him already.

Josie POV: I was eating my cereal and I heard my dad saying that we're going back to the Salvatore school I was kinda scared assuming how Lizzie left and told nobody where she was going.

Lizzie POV: I'm gonna text mg.

Lizzie text to mg: hey.
Mg: hey cutie
Lizzie; I need to tell you something, and your the only person I can tell this to so please don't tell anyone
Mg: yeah sure, whatever it is just spit it out
Lizzie: I saw Josie and hope kiss..
Mg: what 😦
Lizzie: can you not put that emoji in a serious conversation
Mg: yeah I'm sorry, but wow Josie and hope
Lizzie: yeah...
Mg: wait isn't hope dating-
Lizzie: Landon, yeah
Mg: wow, doesn't Landon need to know instead of me
Lizzie: I can't tell him
Mg: well you have to you need to be loyal.
Lizzie: listen, Josie is my sister and Landon is her best friend I'm not jeopardizing their relationship if Josie wants to tell Landon she can herself but I'm not.
Mg: oh ok. I have to go
Lizzie: ok bye mg.

Mg POV; I can't believe hope and Josie kissed wow that's weird they are like sisters... I need to tell kaleb.

Mg: hey kaleb
Kaleb: hey bro, you need a blood bag ?
Mg; hey I need to tell you something but you can't tell anyone.
Kaleb: I love keeping secrets now spit it out
Mg: Josie and hope

Josie POV: I saw mg almost tell kaleb so I rushed over there and said kaleb my dad needs you.

Kaleb: hold on bro dr saltzman wants me
Mg: wait wha-

Kaleb: walks away

*Josie pulls mg to the side*
Mg: uhhh hey jo...
Josie: *grabs mg ear what do you know!
Mg: ow ow ow
Josie: I won't stop your a vampire and I would pull your ear off if I have to, now spit it out
Mg: ok ok!
Josie: what is it! *shouts
Mg: you and hope kissed!

Josie POV: I let go of his bloody ear.. how do you know!
Mg: because I just do
Josie: *grabs ear again*
Mg: ow ow ok ok ok Lizzie told me *shouts
Josie: *let's go of ear* she said what!
Mg: yeah...

Josie pov: I stormed out in rage I just left the cabin. I wanted to kill Lizzie. How could she do this to me her own sister.

Kaleb: I'm bac-
Mg: hey...
Kaleb: what the hell happened to your ear
Kaleb: *laughs don't tell me little jo kicked your ass
Mg: oh shut up.
Kaleb: so what was it?
Mg: dr saltzman wanted us to hunt more bunnies for blood bags
Kaleb: that's it?
Mg: yeah.
Kaleb: but you said don't tell anyone
Mg: yeah it's creepy hunting bunnies for blood.
Kaleb: true, dr saltzman is in some kinky shit
Mg: *starts laughing*

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